Getting Framed and Being Suspicious

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Marinette had fallen asleep only moment after her talk with Chloe. But her sleep didn't last very long since everyone was woken up because of a shrilling scream. Marinette woke up with a start but then a smile curled up her lips. 

It was Lila who had screamed. 

Marinette, Chloe and Alya ran out of their cabins and it turns that they weren't the only ones who heard a scream. Alya was confused. Chloe was confused. Everyone was confused! Everyone except Marinette. Marinette tried her best to seem as confused as the other people. Chloe had realized what Marinette meant earlier. "Good day. . ." Mumbled Chloe. Chloe's eyes widened in shock. She grabbed Marinette by the arm and pulled her into the cabin. "OMG! Marinette what did you do?!" Yelled Chloe. "I did nothing!" Said Marinette as she raised her hands up in defense. "I know you did something! Now tell me, what did you do exactly?" Asked Chloe. "Oil." Was all Marinette said. 

Lila ran out of the cabin, screaming. "Who did this?!" She yelled at everyone who was watching. Lila pointed to her hair that was covered in oil. "Do you know how hard it is to get oil out of your hair?!" She screamed. She ran back inside as people exchanged glances. 

Lila took a shower but it didn't come off completely. She still had some oil left in her hair. "Ugh! This is so gross!" She exclaimed as she and some others walked towards the shore. People snickered behind her and she whipped her head around to see who it was. It was Alya, Nino, Kim, Alix and Ivan. She groaned and kept walking. 

Marinette didn't want to get involved with Lila and neither did Chloe. 

For some odd reason, in the back of Lila's mind, she thought it was Chloe who had done it. But she couldn't get Chloe into trouble without any evidence. She wanted to get Chloe back for having that fight over Adrien several days ago. So, she decided that maybe a set up would be a good idea. 

Everyone was in the water. They were either talking or splashing around. 

Lila got out of the water and walked towards the kitchen, where the oil would probably be. 

She walked into the kitchen and looked around. After a solid two minutes, she found the olive oil bottle. She grabbed it and ran to cabin number four, where Chloe stayed. She opened Chloe's bag and planted the "evidence" into Chloe's bag. "All done." She smiled and then whipped her hair around as she turned. But her oily hair whipped her right in the face and some got into her mouth. She could taste salt and oil, which was disgusting. "Ew." She mumbled as she took her hair out of her mouth. She walked out of the cabin and closed the door. She turned around from the door and spotted Alya right in front of her. She screamed but then stopped herself. "What did you do?" Asked Alya, teeth gritted. "Nothing!" Smiled Lila, a sickening sweet smile. Alya knew that Lila was up to some thing but she just didn't know what Lila was up to and what she had done in their cabin.

Lila was already four feet away from Alya, with her back turned on Alya. "Listen Lila," She began. Lila turned around. "I don't know what you did but you better not come here again. And if I find out what you did? You'll be in trouble. Serious trouble." Said Alya as she glared at a supposedly innocent Lila. "What ever you say!" Said Lila and waved good bye as she walked off. 

Alya had to tell Marinette, Chloe, Nino and Adrien about this! She couldn't just keep this a secret. "I'm going to tell Marinette and Chloe about this first. . ." She mumbled and walked back towards Marinette and Chloe, who were in the water, splashing around. She held on to her phone, tightly, it was as if it could break if Alya had tightened her grip! 

She got to Marinette and Chloe who were chatting. 

"Guys, I have to say something. . ." She began as she got into the water. They turned their heads towards her and looked at her, wondering what she wanted to say. "I saw Lila enter our cabin and when I walked over to our cabin, she got out. She obviously did something in there." Said Alya. Marinette, Chloe and Alya all ex-changed worried glances as they tried to figure out what to do about all this!

They were basically panicking. Though, the boys had no clue about what had happened.

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