Rich yet Homeless

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HEY GUYS! I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW! THANKS TO YOU GUYS, I NOW HAVE 7.0K VIEWS ON MY BOOK! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! Well anyway, lets get on with the story cause like. . . Who wants a chapter filled with "Thank you"'s?? Not me and not you! Here's the story:

Adrien's mind wasn't organized. He still had tear stains on his cheeks and his heart hurt so much. He walked some more and then sat on a side walk and got a bottle of water out. He gave some water to Plagg and then washed off his face and then got up and kept walking.

After about a thirty minute walk, he stopped by the Parisian Bank! He entered the bank it is was pretty much empty. There was an average woman with brown wavy hair sitting behind the desk. She noticed the door open as she was typing into her computer. She looked up at Adrien with her brown eyes, as he was walking towards the desk. "How may I help you sir?" She asked, also noticing the blood stain on his shirt. "Um. . . I'm Adrien, Adrien Agreste. I'd like to take out some money from my bank account." He said. "Oh um. . . okay. . ." She said quickly. She looked like she was in her mid-twenties. Then suddenly, Plagg jumped onto the desk and the woman flinched but was then relieved that it was just a kitten. "You know, you're a very boy, for a model." She stated. "And you're a very awkward lady for a secretary." He replied. "Fair enough. . ." She shrugged.  

After his talk with the bank lady, he had received 20, 000 Euros. This was enough for a month but not more. Prices in France have been rising recently. So he kept on walking around and ended up sleeping on a bench in the park close by Marinette's house with Plagg sleeping close to his feet.

{The Next Day}

He woke up, still on that bench with Marinette cooing over his head. His eyes were still adjusting to the sudden light that his eyes let in. She was standing next to the bench, her head looming over his and her arms crossed behind her back. "You still have blood on your hoodie." She stated. "Yeah, I know." He replied. The expression on her face couldn't be described cause she didn't have an expression on her face. He sat up straight on the bench and she moved back a bit. She had her back pack and everything. "I forgot that today was a school day! Wednesday, right!?" He practically yelled! She nodded her head slowly. The moment he stood up, money went flying from his pockets. "Sacré bleu!" He yelled on the top of his lungs. Marinette just looked around her. There was money everywhere on the ground. "Adrien. . ?" She began, seemingly suspicious. "What?" He asked, rather annoyed, as he tried to pick up the money off of the floor. "Where did you get all of this from?" She asked. "The bank, why?" He looked up at her and shielded his eyes from the sun, as he was on the floor. "Did you. . . do what I think you did?" Her eyes showing some sort of emotion, though  her face did not. "If you think I stole money, then you're out of your mind!" He began, still picking money off of the floor and shoving them into his pockets. "Then what did you do?" She asked, backing away a little so that he can crawl to the other side and pick up some more money. "I'm the son of a millionaire! What do you think I did? I just deducted some money from my bank account!" He flung his arms in the air. "Oh." Was all she could muster out of her mouth.

"But Adrien why were you sleeping on the bench?" She asked. "I left the house, I can't deal with him anymore." He replied as he picked up the last bills off of the floor, rather viciously. "Deal with who?" She asked. "You ask too many questions!" He snapped. "Fine. Then I'll just leave." She said and began to walk away. "My father. I can't deal with my father!" He answered, before she managed to walk away. She turned around and sighed. "Adrien. . . There may be a major issue. . . Everyone is talking about this alread-" Marinette was cut off by Adrien "ALREADY?!" He yelled out loud. "Yeah. . . That." She rolled her eyes. He put his hand on his cheek and simply said "Oh no. . ."


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