I Found Her

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Marinette ran as far away as possible, not caring whether she was bumping into people or not. She then realized that she had run so far away that she managed to stop at a park. She walked into the park, tears forming in her eyes. Marinette seat down close to a pond. She watched the frogs leap onto Lilly pads. She looked into the pond, and stared at her reflection. She had regretted hitting Chloe, she had regretted being friends with Alya -Since Alya now had to suffer with her-, she had regretted meeting Adrien, she had regretted going to school. But what she had regretted most of all was being alive. She kept on staring into the water, regretting and day dreaming, not realizing that she could fall in. But something that got her out of her trance was when a droplet of water ran down her cheek and fell into the water making the still water drizzle a little. She blinked a few times and sat up straight. She hung her head low and kept her hands on her laps and began to sob quietly. Her hands clutched into fists as they remained on her lap. She didn't want to make Alya suffer anymore, she knew exactly what the right thing was to do. It was to stop being Alya's friend. Marinette didn't want to -not one bit- but she knew she had to, so that Alya wouldn't be a bullying victim. She wanted to push Alya out of the picture so that it was just her being bullied. She didn't want to be alone, she wanted to have someone to talk to, she wanted to have someone to spend time with, someone to laugh with. But she had to let go. It was for the better, after all.

While Marinette was at the park, making life decisions, Adrien, Alya and Nino were too busy searching for her to even notice the school bell ring. They were petty far but I suppose you would be able to hear the bell's ring with a faded tone just a little. Adrien realized it wouldn't work if they all searched for her together so he ordered them to split up. Alya and Nino would go together to search for her around the landmarks while Adrien would search in little places, starting off with the park! Little did he know that he'd find Marinette sooner than expected.

Marinette sat there crying and thinking. Her eyes were slightly red and puffy and there were tear stains on her face. Her head hurt too. She thought a lot and cried a lot and regretted a lot. She then moved her hands to cover her face. As she was crying, she heard the rustling of a bush but decided to ignore it. She then suddenly felt a hand rest on her should and gasped. She quickly turned around only to find the blonde idiot who caused all this: Adrien.

He had a worried and sad smile plastered on his face. It looked like as if he were pitying her situation. He sat down cross legged next to her and he stopped smiling. He had a expressionless look on his face as he stared into the water. She couldn't hold it in and continued crying. He then grabbed her head gently and held her head against his chest. Marinette was too weak from all that crying to fight back so she just let him hold her close. She would hurt him later for his; but right now, she needed as much comfort as possible.


Marinette fell asleep on Adrien's chest and he put her down onto his lap. He then brushed her bangs to the side and put his hand on her forehead. He smiled at her as she snored a little and rubbed her forehead with his thumb. He saw her tear stains on her face and thought ' I'll clean that up later.'.


Alya and Nino were still searching for Marinette and when Alya tried to contact Marinette, she wouldn't pick up! And when Nino tried to call Adrien, he wouldn't pick up either! So they just decided to give up and decided to take a stroll around Paris, hoping to bump into at least one of them.

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