A new student- 2 years later

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Just to let you know, they're in year 12, the last year of high school

Third POV
It was the first day of school, the last first day of school for Adrien and his friends. Adrien sighed sadly as he looked himself in the mirror. He still wears the same clothes as he normally would but his emotions are different. Adrien is still sad about his lady, Marinette's disappearance, and it doesn't help if the whole of Paris knows who they are. It was bad enough being a model and now everyone knows he's Chat Noir...he can't go out as Chat without getting bombarded. "It'll be okay kid, I can sense it" Plagg said, flying to his shoulder.
"I know but I miss her, I miss my freedom" Adrien said.
"At lest everyone knows who Ladybug is so everyone in Paris will be looking" Plagg replied. Plagg sighed and landed on the tv remote, causing the tv to flash on. "Breaking news!!! Someone has seen Ladybug's Civilian self near her old school, Paris high"
Adrien bolted to the tv and his eyes widen "Mari?"
A photo was shown on Tv of her on the phone:

 "Breaking news!!! Someone has seen Ladybug's Civilian self near her old school, Paris high" Adrien bolted to the tv and his eyes widen "Mari?"A photo was shown on Tv of her on the phone:

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(Not mine)

"The question now is; where has she been all these years?" The reporter said "Back to you Bob" Plagg turned the tv off since Adrien is in shock.
"Marinette's alive?!? She's alive!!!" Adrien yelled, jumping around.
"Come on kid, she was sighted at school, this morning!" Plagg said. Adrien quickly got his books and ran out his room, with Plagg flying after him.

Marinette's POV
"Hello, are you new?" The receptionist asked.
"I haven't been here in a while so yes" I said. The receptionist looked up and gasped at who I was. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, what a surprise" the receptionist said "It's been a while, hasn't it?"
"Yes, it has, could I have my timetable and locker number? It got sent to the wrong address" I asked. "Of course honey, I'll get that for you" the receptionist said and walked into the staff room to get it. I sighed and sat down. I'm messing around with my new, blue earrings. Since Tiki left me I got some earrings that where similar to my old ones but dark navy blue. I smiled, these last two years were fun but painful. "Marinette? Sweetie, I have your stuff" the receptionist said. I stood up and took it from her "Thanks"
"I wonder why it didn't send. Do you still live at the bakery?"
"Well my parents do, I don't" I said "Anyway, I'll send the school the address after. See you" and I walked out the reception.

As soon as I walked out reception, I got bombarded by a hug. "Mari!!" I smiled
"Hey kitty, what's up?" Adrien let go of me, his face red from tears.
"All you say is, what's up? After all these years? All no, you have to tell me where you've been"
"After you tell me" I turn around to see Alya.
"Why would I tell you anything? You left me at my time of need!!" I yelled. I still haven't forgiven Alya, is it hard to tell? "Exactly nerd, shuffle off with music boy"
"Hey Chlo, how are you?" I said as she cam up from behind Alya. I hugged her.
"You forgive her but not me?!?! She was the one who bullied you!! And she even thinks herself as a queen because of the hair clip in her hair" Ayla yelled. Chloe and I flinched. That crown hair clip was the last thing that Chloe's mum gave her before she died when Chloe was 7. Chloe was on the urge of tears, I nodded at Adrien and he took her away. "Now look at what you've done, that was the last thing her mother gave her before she died!!" I yelled, shocking the students around us. All my old classmates; Nathanael, Mylene, Ivan, Alix, Juleka, Rose, Max, Nino, Sabrina, Lila and Kim are staring at me with shock. My old self would normally never yelled, especially at Alya. "She is a spoiled brat, why would you care?" Sabrina snarled. Obviously something happened between Sabrina and Chloe. "Why would I care?!? She was the only one apart from Adrien who cared about the things that was said about me by Volpina" I said sternly. Lila gasped.
"You knew it was me so why did you say Volpina?" She asked. I smiled kindly at her.
"Because you where under Hawkmoth's control as well as jealously's control, and since I know how you normally act I know you didn't mean anything you said" I said. Lila burst into tears. I ran and hugged her. "Why are you crying?"
"Because I though you left because of me!!"
I left go of Lila "I didn't leave because of you, I was forced to leave because my miraculous...defaulted"
Gasps were heard, the loudest one from the tv reporter with a camera...great. "How did it do that?" She asked.
"Don't know, one second I was with Chat and the next I was on the other side of the world" I lied. That's not really true, I did disappear but I found myself in Mater Fu's place."Where were you for the last 2 years?"
"That is information I cannot inform anyone about" I said and turned to Lila "Wanna come?" She nodded and we ran off after Adrien and Chloe.

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