am I crazy? Maybe we could happen! (Descendants themed chapter)

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"Okay class, we have 3 new students joining us today, one boy and two girls. They are from other countries, staying here for a photoshoot with Adrien's father's company" Mrs Parrs said in home group. "I wonder who they are?" Adrien asked next to me.
"Don't ask me wonder boy" I whispered back.
"Marinette and Adrien, could you be their buddy for the day? They said they knew you outside of school" Mrs Parrs said, catching me by surprise.
"Of course miss" I said "We can do that"
Mrs Parrs was interrupted with Hera, Maria and Percy opening the door. They are still wearing the same outfits as yesterday. "Sorry, I'm so sorry. Was I interrupting?" Hera asked. I laughed, causing her to detach stare me.
"I was about to ask some students to get you, you're fine darling" Mrs Parrs said "Come to the front and introduce yourselves"
As they walked to the front shyly, Chloe whispered loudly to Lila "Gosh, that guy is hot"
I turned to Chloe before Hera could yell at her "The 'hot boy' you were talking about is taken, sorry Chloe" I said sassily. Maria laughed.
"And the sassy queen strikes again!!!" She said, causing the elements team to laugh.
"Anyway, my name is Hera Lovered, I just moved here from Greece, I am a child model and girlfriend of this guy here" Hera said, nudging Percy next to her.
"My name is Percy Johnson and I'm from America, I moved to Paris 2 years ago but was homeschooled because my mum is over protective..."
"I know how you feel" Adrien muttered, causing me to snort.
"...let me finish, I am also a model and the boyfriend of Hera" Percy finished. I can see Adrien in the corner of my eye glaring at Percy jealously. "Calm don't kitty or you'll get hurt" I whispered.
"Of what, thinking?" He whispered back.
"Yes" I said.
"I'm Maria San-Mezzo, I am part Mexican, as you can tell by my last name, I moved here a couple of years ago because my single mum wants to find a lover in Paris. I am also a model and I am forever single" Maria said, causing Hera to giggle.
"SO you all know each other? But you're from different countries?" Rose asked.
"We met up once for fashion week last year, where we also met Adrien" Percy said.
"What about Marinette?" Ayla asked.
"Um..." Maria said nervously.
"I knew Maria from when I had amnesia... Anyway I met Hera and Percy couple of days ago as I was old friend" I lied smoothly "I bumped into Hera, who needed help with some clothes her mum brought her so I helped her carry it home, in which Percy was there, waiting for Hera to take her on a date"
"Wait, you had amnesia?!?" Nino asked, shocked.
"Yep, that's one of the reasons why I wasn't here for 2 years" I lied again.
"Anyway, I have provided a big desk at the back for the five of you so could you please go to your new seats for now" Mrs Parrs said.


I sighed as I sat near the big tree in the school courtyard. Maria, Percy and Hera are at the school office for the rest of their timetable for the time they're here. I tapped my now empty salad container, why is it this hard? I kept so many secrets from my old friends.

"A million thoughts in my head, should I let my heart keep listening?"

I sung from Descendants. I have a secret likening for Dove Cameron, the actress who plays Mal in descendants. I just love her voice and everything about her. I looked around and realised no one was in the courtyard, weird, there's normally a lot of year 9 students around here. "That is because I'm here, my child" a cold voice said. I looked up to see Hawkmoth there himself.

"What do you want Hawkmoth? Pick on me for my worries at the moment?" I snarled. In the corner of my eye I see Hera, Maria and Percy staring at me with shock. "No, but that is a good idea. I'm here child to ask if you want to-"
"Never will I join you" I said, standing up so I'm eye-to-eye with him.
"Well, that's the harmless way gone...join me or the other miraculous holders will die"
That struck me hard...they can't die...right? I shook off the thoughts, he's only trying to convince me. "They can handle themselves" I said.
"And the new miraculous holders are coming for you as well"
"I have one of them"
"No sorry, Blue Jay helped her escape your darkness"
Hawkmoth snarled with frustration. He looked me dead in the eye and said "I am not working alone anymore, and their power is more powerful than the element miraculous...Paris and soon the world will fall" and he disappeared.
As soon as he disappeared, Chat Noir, Stye Queen, Jade turtle and Voplina jumped down. "Where's Hakwmoth?" Chat asked.
"He's not here, he just left" I said angrily.
"Meow, chill Mari I-"
"I handled him fine thank you, and also; Hawkmoth has this evil boss that can kill us in a heartbeat apparently so you better save us!!"
"What about you Marientte? Not being Ladybug because you're scared" Style queen yelled, causing all the students around us to gasp.
"I'm not scared Style Queen" I said.
"Then why are you not Ladybug?" Voplina asked.

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