The Blue Jay hero

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Adrien's POV

Of course there had to be someone to get upset, and without Ladybug...we're toast. Let's go back to how this all happened.

Flashback- 1 hour before

"Ayla, stay away from me!!" Marinette yelled.
"But I need your help!!"
"No, sort it out on your own!! I'm done!!"
"No, and no!!"
Marinette walked off. Ayla looked like she was going to cry. A glowing purple moth flew into the classroom. "Oh shit...Run!!" I yelled. Everyone apart from me, Lila and Chloe ran off. The second I look away from Ayla, she turned into Lady Wifi...again.


Now me (as Chat Noir), style queen and Volpina are trying to fight Lady Wifi in the cafeteria of our school. "I will expose that witch!!! She will know the consequences from messing with the blogger, I can't believe I used to idolise her!!! I'm going to post to all of Paris to show how Ladybug is a fraud!!" Lady Wifi yelled, throwing another pause symbol at style queen.
"She's really getting me annoyed!!" Style queen said to us.
"I know!" Volpina said, paused against the wall "We really need a lucky charm!"
"You know Ayla, you need to calm down. You might need a puramedic" I said hopefully. Lady wifi turned sharply at me. She chased after me. "Style Queen, help!!" I yelled.
"I can't, trying to get out of the wifi ropes!!" Style queen yelled. I quickly looked to see her next to Volpina tied up. She's trying to use her stave to cut the rope. "Ha, got you cornered kitty cat!!" Lady wifi yelled. I turned around to see myself in a corner...great. She threw a pause symbol at me as I closed my eyes. I heard Lady Wifi gasped, causing me to slowly open my eyes. I see an black haired girl with an navy blue super suit, projecting me with a shield she had. She has clear blue wings, high in alarm.

(Not mine, thebirdfromthemoon is the creator, this is the template for this hero)

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(Not mine, thebirdfromthemoon is the creator, this is the template for this hero)

"Who are you?" I asked. She turned to me to reveal her long, dark navy blue hair with a blue mask that has piercing brown eyes. "How about a simple 'thank you'?" The girl said. The girl closed her eyes and in a flash Style queen and Volpina were free. I stood next to the girl who was now facing Lady Wifi. A purple butterfly framed her face. "Hawkmoth" me and the girl growled. I gasped with surprise. "Marinette didn't mean any harm Alya, she's stressed out" the girl said.
"OF WHAT?!?" Lady Wifi yelled.
"She's been having a hard time at the moment...she's been living rough for 2 years, stealing to live. And you don't wanna know all the beatings she's had from men" the girl said, causing all of us to gasp.
"Poor girl, that's unbeeeelievable!" Style queen said.
"Good one" I said, causing the girl to roll her eyes. Lady Wifi looks like she's debating if she wants to kill us or not. "So you said you needed a ladybug?" The girl said. She opened her palm to reveal a yo yo "I have been lucky to bump into ladybug over the last 2 years as the blue jay miraculous holder, she taught me a couple of things" the girl stood 10 feet in front of us and started to swing her blue yo yo. It was so fast, that it was outlined in light blue, like it would have been for ladybug but pink. "Lucky Charm!!" She yelled and a navy blue and light blue spotted remote was in in her hand. "Oh great job, oh great leader, what would that do?" Style queen asked. The girl looked around and then gasped "I've got something, sorry Chat and Volpina it could hurt your ears" the girl said and pressed the remote which released a painful noise. "OWWWW!!" Volpina howled. Hahaha, howled. Well, actually, that is what I'm doing too!!! It also dropped Lady Wifi to her feet. "Style queen, the phone!!" The girl yelled. Style queen stole the phone from lady wifi and stepped on it, causing the akuma to come out. "No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize! Gotcha! Bye-bye, little butterfly!!" The girl yelled. This is too painful, I want Marinette, speaking off Marinette where is she? " Blue Jay!!" The girl yelled weridly. The noise stopped, causing me to let go of my cat ears. "So, you're the heroes of Paris, the miraculous holders right? The ones Blue was talking about?" The girl asked. We all nodded.
"What's your name?" Volpina asked.
"Blue Jay" Blue Jay said. Her earrings beeped, wait, earrings?!?? "Shot, I have to go, bye!!!"
"Well then" Style said said "We better get going" and we all went to our separate ways.

Marinette's POV

I came out from the bathroom to see the fighting has stopped. "Why were you hiding? You should of been out there!!" Rose said.
"I'm no hero anymore Rose" I muttered as I walked to the school court yard. I went to the tree and jumped to grab the thick branch that was 5 feet above me. I pushed my self up and jumped up the branches like I was flying to the top. I got to the top to see the sun is at it's point, I groaned; it's only lunch time. Since the attack, school has been cancelled though which is good, I can sit here peacefully all-
"I wonder who that Blue Jay girl is behind the mask" Chloe said.
"I know, she, something's weird about her" Lila said.
"I know, but remember, we need to make her trust us" Adrien said. I laid down quietly on the tree, they can't see me. "Wait, is that Marinette on top of the tree?" Chloe asked. I poked my head up to see all of them staring at me. "Hi" I said "How you going?"

"How I'm going? Without a ladybug fine thanks!!" Lila yelled, causing me to flinch.
"Well sorry, I'm not fit to be a hero anymore!" I said sternly.
"Why? Mari, we can help you get Tiki back!!" Adrien pleaded.
"I can't, what I've been these past 2 years will shock all of you" I said.
"What's so bad you have to isolate yourself from all of us!!" Chloe yelled. I shock my head, I'm definitely not telling them. I sighed "No"
"Excuse me?" Chloe asked. Our year 12 home group is gathering around the tree as well as a t.v crew, seriously!! Have they heard personal space!!?!
"No, I will not tell you what I've done, you have Blue Jay anyway" I said.
"We need you, I need you Mari" Adrien said. I stepped onto the next branch behind me.
"No, you don't, you seemed fine without me before"
"Your parents are depressed Marinette, don't you care about that!" Ayla yelled, joining the group. "Dude, please come down!" Nino said. He's holding onto his bracelet tightly, I have seen that before, but where. "Oh really? I came back to Paris a couple of months ago and when I was about to walk in the door, they said they were glad I left because it wouldn't be that much pressure on them" I snarled, causing everyone to gasp. I turned behind me to see the main school building, it's about 100 feet away from the tree. "Don't you even think about it Mari, you'll hurt yourself!!" Adrien said. I turned back to them and smirked.
"Living in the roughs does has it advantages, like jumping to get away from police" I said and ran and jumped off the tree. .

It felt like I was flying (well, with ladybug as my past miraculous....). "Mari!!" Ayla yelled. I turned back to focus to see myself going straight to the brick wall. I laughed and as soon as I touched the wall, clung onto the wooden seals of the windows of the top floor. I climbed gracefully to the top of the building. I turned to the crowd to see them with their eyes closed. "I'm not dead idiots, I know what I'm doing. I'm quiet surprised that Chat Noir didn't try to save me" I said, causing them to all gasp and open their eyes. Adrien flinched.
"Don't do that again, we don't want any deaths on national t.v!!" The same reporter from this morning yelled to me. "I don't die easily madam, I was a hero remember?" I answered.
"You still are Marinette, I was one of your biggest fans. Please" Chloe said.
"It's too late for me, I might as well go to Hawkmoth with open arms" I lied. It's quiet fun starring them up. I wouldn't do that, I would rather die. "Mari..." Nino said.
"Seriously guys, I'm joking. I'm going home, see you tomorrow for school" I said and ran to the other side of the building to see myself at the school's entrance. I jumped the two story building to the wall and ran to my contemporary home; master Fu's temple.

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