Fighting superheroes

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Marinette's POV- NEXT DAY

I woke up and yawned. I swiftly got out of bed and checked the time; 5:25am. Oh spots, seriously?!?! "Marinette?" Tiki said sleepily, yawning from her little bed I made that is next to Blue's. I walked to the beds and whispered to Tiki "I'm okay, I wake up really early now, get back to sleep, I'm going for a little walk"
"Let Tiki go with you" Blue muttered, rolling his body so it's facing me and Tiki "Make the world think that you're still Ladybug, otherwise the heroes will get all 'Ladybug isn't here but another hero Blue Jay looks exactly like her'"
I looked at Tiki who has fully woken up and flying next to my ear. "What about the noise the miraculous makes?" I asked.
"Since you're using the miraculous for the Blue Jay, you'll be fine" Blue said. I nodded.
"Tiki, Spots on!!" I said and I was in my Ladybug uniform "Ready Tiki?"
'Ready' I heard her reply in my head and we went out the house and went to our first stop; Adrien's house.

As soon as we got there, I landed on the tall cement wall, which is level with Adrien's window. I see Adrien sitting, staring at the moon, not noticing I'm here. I also see a black creature flying next to his head, talking to him. 'That's Plagg' Tiki said. I nodded.
I tried to get Adrien's attention but I got Plagg's instead and he flew in front of Adrien's face. Adrien turned to me and looked at me with shock. He opened one of his windows. "What are you doing here? And how are you like that?" He whisper-yelled.
"Master Fu said that my new earrings lent to me is powered by moonlight so I can go out as Ladybug at night" I lied smoothly.
"Oh..." Adrien said, blushing a deep red.
"Are you blushing?" I teased. He turned redder.
"No" he muttered. I laughed.
"Like what you see" I said, motioning to me. He laughed.
"This is the first time I've talked to you as Ladybug and it..."
"...seems unreal because you've always had a crush on Ladybug when you're Chat Noir, I know you silly kitty"
"Why are you here?"
"I just got told I can be Ladybug at night, why wouldn't I rom around and tell my kitty?"
Adrien laughed. "I would go with you but Plagg is very stubborn"
"Okay then, see you" I said and jumped on the top of homes to my next house: Alya.

As soon as I got there, I went onto her balcony to see her and Nino cuddled up as the still on Tv was on. I smiled and quietly opened her door. I took my phone out and took of picture of them, casing them to groan because of the flash. "Wait, who?" Nino started as he opened his eyes. "Who do you think Nino?" I stated.
"Marientte? What are you doing here?" Ayla groaned.
"Can I not visit my one number fan?" I said, motioning to my suit.
Nino's eyes widen "I thought you couldn't change?"
"Only at night" I answered. Ayla finally opened her eyes and gasped in shock.
"Wait, I'm confused" she yawned.
"I am still too. Listen, I didn't want to tell Adrien this but I'll tell you guys; Do you know anything about huntress?"
"Yes, why?" Nino asked.
"Apparently I heard from the earth miraculous holder she's back in Paris today" I said.
"You know the earth miraculous holder?" Ayla exclaimed.
"She told me when I was coming to you guys" I lied "any way, I better get going, bye!!"
And I left them shocked.

As soon as I got back home at the temple of Master Fu, the sun was coming up. I wen t through my window to land swiftly next to my bed. Blue was already up with my clothes for school ready. "I'm not going today Blue, huntress needs to make an appearance today" I said.
Blue rolled his eyes as I said "Tiki, spots off!"
"You have to go to school!!" Blue said
"Marinette, as much as I love you and you need to go to school...didn't you already complete you're education by homeschooling with Master Fu?" Tiki said "And you need some fun"
I laughed as blue gave in "okay, can we do anything?"
I smirked "I need you Blue to transform my appearance but Tiki you can..."

Third POV- first lesson of school
"Where's Marinette?" Hera asked.
"Don't know, she was last seen early this morning" Percy replied.
"She was in her Ladybug stuff" Ayla said. Hera, Percy and Maria turned sharply to her.
"WHAT?!?" Maria asked sternly.
"She was talking about huntress here or something..." Ayla mumbled. Causing Adrien, Chloe, Lila and Nino to run out the room. Maria smirked "The huntress and her Tigeress duo?" Hera asked innocently. A red Kwami known as Tiki flew into the classroom, causing gasps from around. "Maria, Marinette's in trouble!!" Tiki started.
"What's that?" Ayla asked, pointing at Tiki.
"I'm Tiki, Marinette's Kwami, I help her transform into Ladybug" Tiki said before continuing "She's a target of Huntress!! And Tigresses will be soon to follow!! I fear for the worse!!"
"Tiki, I can go after her. Miss, can I be excused?" Maria asked.
"Fine" the teacher said and she ran out the room, smirking.

Maria's POV

"Gigi, ready?" I asked as soon as we got to the bathroom.
"Okay Maria, I hope you know what you're doing" Gigi said.
"I'll be fine; Gigi, claws out!!" I yelled, transforming into Tigeress/Tigre Sabre.
"Okay, I think they're on the roof" I said and ran outside.


As soon as I got to the roof, Style Queen and Volpina are tied up while Turtle Jade and Chat Noir are fighting Marinette/Huntress. "Am I late to the party Huntress?" I asked, causing the heroes to turn to me.
"No, not really, just getting started" Huntress said.
"Why are you going after Marinette?" Chat asked.
"Calm your farm kitty cat, I just want to say hello to my friend" Huntress said, her blue eyes shining (her eyes change to a ocean blue colour and her hair is longer, waiver and brown).
"FRIEND?!? Marinette would never be friends with you, you murder!!" Style Queen yelled.
"She is, trust me, I'm the earth miraculous holder" I said, shocking the heroes.
"WHAT?!?" Volpina yelled. Jade Turtle lounges at me and I quickly dodged it.
"Is that all you got slowpoke!!" I teased. He threw his shield at me and I quickly summoned a replica to his shield to block it. "Anyway Marinette and I are very close friends, I was the main reason why she came back" Huntress explained as Chat aimed his claws at her head. If he knew was really fighting. "If you saw her, what would you tell her?" Volpina asked.
"Marinette has a main role in the battle ahead, not as Ladybug...and she can't avoid it" Huntress said, causing me to gasp. "Wait what?" I exclaimed "What are you talking about?"

Huntress looked at me sadly "'It's about time', I finally know what it means and when the time comes...I need to tell Marinette but it doesn't help when the heroes are blaming me for everything!!!! I have never murdered anyone. another villain Tigeress, Marinette and I saved your butt for did it but that was the only time I murdered someone. Every other thing; blamed" Huntress said and caught the tail of Chat Noir.
"You are too caught up in grief to see that, you were blind...and you made Marinette's fate come closer to her" Huntress snarled and jumped off the building.

The heroes were staring at where she was wide-eyed. I rolled my eyes, also in shock, and untied Volpina and Style Queen. "Why did you do that?" Style queen snarled.
"Woah Style Queen, I just was helping, I am a ancient miraculous holder" I said, backing off and then smirked "If you don't want me then fine, I will join-"
"Sorry" Chat Said.
"What?" I asked, annoyed that someone stopped me from talking.
"Style queen is sorry. I know this is hard but we need all the help we can get to defeat Hawkmoth once and for all"
"It's fine, I'll get the others soon" I said and jumped off the building.

I quickly ran into the bathroom and said "Gigi, claws in" and I changed into my normal clothes. "Gigi, what do you think Marinette is doing?" I asked her.
"I don't know, I don't know" Gigi said before flying into my bag. I sighed and walked back to class where everyone stared at me as I walked in, even Adrien, Chloe, Nino and Lila are there. "What?" I asked.
"Did you find Marinette?" Ayla asked.
I shook my head "No idea-"
I heard footsteps behind me and Marinette is behind me.
"Mari!" I exclaimed "Where were you?"
"I...can't talk....right now" Marinette said, trying to catch her breath "Running...from...huntress"
"Woah, maybe I can protect you princess" Adrien said, wriggling his eyebrows like Chat Noir. Marinette groaned, causing me to laugh. "I can protect myself thank you, Huntress is a friend of mine so she can't hurt me..."
"So she was right..." Chloe whispered.
"...I think I know what she is going to say anyway. After that I'll be here...I think....or I'll meet up with the element miraculous holders"
I smirked "Why not?" I whispered. Marinette laughed, her eyes slightly flashing her ocean blue. "Oh shit...I have to go" Marinette said and ran out of class again.
"I'll get her" Percy said and ran after her.

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