Memories of the lost

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"Ladybug, Chat Noir. I speak to you directly. Come to the Eiffel Tower to face me for the last time" a booming voice echoed throughout Paris. Ladybug and Chat Noir have already just defeated villain everyone knew as Volpina. Lila, the civilian form of Volpina, got angry that Marinette was hanging out with Adrien too long. Even though Lila spread rumours about Marinette, causing Alya and Nino to break their friendship with Marinette and for Adrien to get closer to Marinette as well as Chloe becoming friends with her, or as they called her Mari. Ladybug rolled her eyes "It's time Chat, you ready?" She asked. Chat smirked.
"Ready for what, you to like me? Purrlease, I'll charm you any day" Chat flirted, causing ladybug to groan. "Chat, didn't your mother teach you manners?"
Chat flinched, causing Ladybug to say "Chat, I'm-"
"ENOUGH!!" Hawkmoth yelled as he showed himself to the pair "This war will end. I haven't dreamt of anything else for years!!"
"Boy, does he need a hobby" Chat whispered to Ladybug, causing he to giggle.
"Give me your miraculous and no one will be harmed!!" Hawkmoth yelled.
"We'll never give you our miraculouses!!" Ladybug yelled causing Hawkmoth to smirk. A group of moths dropped a pair of people tied up; Ayla and Nino. Both of the heroes gasped.
"Let me rephrase that; give me your miraculous or those two will die!!"
The heroes flinched. Chat was close to giving up but then he hear his lady said "You can do all you want but you can't trick us!!! We know what's going to happen when we do give it to you!!"
"My lady, what about them!?" Chat asked. Ladybug gave Chat a look and she looked at something. He followed her eyes to see a mirror, idea. "Now!!" Ladybug yelled. She went straight for Hawkmoth while Chat went for the mirror. Chat got the mirror and shined it into Hawkmoth's eyes, causing the moths to fly away and for Nino and Ayla to be untied. "Go!!" Chat yelled, causing them to ran away from the street. Chat saw his lady get terribly beaten, she was bleeding from her head and her miraculous is beeping and has 3 dots left; three minutes. "My lady!!" Chat yelled and charged at Hawkmoth. He surprised Hawkmoth and blasted him to a brick wall using a powerful kick. While Hawkmoth was still recovering his conscious, Chat ran to his lady who looked dead on the floor. "My lady, are you okay?"
"I'm fine"
"Ladybug!!!" Ayla yelled, causing Chat's head to turn.
"You shouldn't be here!!" Chat yelled, keeping a careful eye on Hawkmoth.
"But an old man with a flying turtle said that to save ladybug to change miraculous!!"
Chat looked at Ladybug who only had a minute left. Chat sighed "Okay, my lady, if you can hear me. Say 'Plagg, claws out!!'"
"You would say 'Tiki, spots on'!" Ladybug groaned and Chat took the earrings off and his ring off and quickly changed it. He put the earrings in his ear, even though he hasn't had earrings in for a while. The flash of changing was still occurring as the heroes said "Tiki, spots on!"
"Plagg, claws out?"

In a flash they were wearing each other's clothes. Ladybug was now clear of any blood and is standing up, looking at the chat clothes she has on.

"Wow, this is so werid, my lord? Wait what?!?""Well, Lady Chat, since you're now Chat Noir, you have my puns" Lordbug (Chat as ladybug) said

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"Wow, this is so werid, my lord? Wait what?!?"
"Well, Lady Chat, since you're now Chat Noir, you have my puns" Lordbug (Chat as ladybug) said.
"NOO!!!!" Hawkmoth yelled.
The two superheroes stood next to each other, hand in hand. "Hawkmoth, why are you doing this?!? You're really bugging me!!" Lordbug asked, causing Lady Chat to groan.
"I'm doing this for my wife!!" Hawkmoth cried. Above, the tv helicopters can be heard above; Pairs is now watching them. "Wait, what?" Lady Chat said.
"My wife was the old peacock miraculous holder while I was, and still am the moth holder. We met as heroes when we were younger, and decided to marry. We had a child and lived happy. She died when my son was 7 and then I swore using the infinite amount of power of the ladybug and chat noir miraculous to bring her back"
"You can't get her back!" Lady Chat said "When someone is gone, they're gone. There's nothing you can do about it"
Hawkmoth grew angry "How dare you-"
"Ignore her Hawkmoth, I get what you mean" Lordbug said.
"Wait what?" Lady chat questioned.
"I mother and father. My mother physically and my father emotionally. But we have to move on like Chat said. Anger doesn't solve everything and anything" Lordbug said. Hawkmoth flinched with realisation. "I didn't realise, so tell me" Hawkmoth whispered and then smirked "How does it feel to see your lady in pain!!" And in a flash lady chat was in chains. "Let me go you Weak-"
"Enough!!! Let's see if I can show emotions" Hawkmoth said. And he whipped her with a whip he found. Lordbug was frozen in shock as his lady was getting hurt. As his lady screamed in pain, he knew he needed to help her. Lordbug got his yo yo out and wrapped it around the whipped and got it out of Hawkmoth's grasp. "How dare you!!!" Hawkmoth yelled and went after Lordbug.

Lady chat's miraculous beeped its last beep and the miraculous wore off, to reveal an knocked out Marinette. "Marinette!!" Alya yelled, shocked.
Lordbug turned around to see his friend in place of his lady. "Mari!!" Lordbug yelled. Marinette looked up with alarm "Adrien?' She whispered.
"I'm coming Mari!!" Lordbug said, his miraculous ran out. As he ran to his friend, his appearance changed to his civilian form; Adrien. "Adrien?" Hawkmoth whispered with confusion, he is frozen in shock. Adrien tried to get the chains off of his friend "Mari, stay with me!!"
Marientte shook her head and she came fully awake. "Wait, Adrien, you're Chat?!?"
"And you're Ladybug?!?"
"I totally ship it!!" Alya yelled. Marinette rolled her eyes.
"Yep, like you shipped me with trash!!" Marinette yelled back.
"Mari, calm down. Purlease?" Adrien asked. Marinette sighed and nodded. No one noticed Hawkmoth had disappeared during this. "Hang on, where's Hawkmoth gone?" Marinette asked. The two looked around to see no Hawkmoth. "Dam it, we were so close!!" Marinette yelled. "Hey, don't worry. Here, here's your earrings" Adrien said, giving her the earrings. Marinette took off the ring and gave it Adrien. They put their miraculous on to reveal their Kwamis. "Give me cheese!!" Plagg groaned. As Adrien was dealing with Plagg, Tiki sensed something is wrong with Marinette. "Marinette, are you okay?" Tiki asked, floating to her. Marinette's face is pale and she's shaking. "I'm fine but I don't know why I'm shaking" Marinette replied. A golden flash is surrounding Marinette, causing Adrien to scream "Mari!!!"
"Adrien!!!" Marinette yelled and she disappeared on the spot with her earrings on the ground.

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