Lying and drama - updated

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Marinette's POV

I sighed as i looked at my outfit one more time in the mirror;

I sighed as i looked at my outfit one more time in the mirror;

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(Not mine)

"Do you think I look okay?" I asked Percy as he walked pass me in his new outfit;

"Do you think I look okay?" I asked Percy as he walked pass me in his new outfit;

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(Not mine...but I wish)

"You look fine" he said, hugging me from behind in a brotherly way "Just chill about today, if someone bullies you, they will get soaked with water"
"And get threatened with a knife" Annabeth said, walking past in this;

"You look fine" he said, hugging me from behind in a brotherly way "Just chill about today, if someone bullies you, they will get soaked with water""And get threatened with a knife" Annabeth said, walking past in this;

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(Not my creation...)

"Annabeth, we're not killing mortals!" Percy said, getting off of me. I giggled as Annabeth rolled her eyes "Our weapons are Greek seaweed brain, they can't hurt mortals" Annnabeth sassed. "Ohhhh! You just sassed the king of sass!" I said, turning around and making them laugh. "We should get going" Annabeth said, grabbing her grey handbag.
"Let the torturous day begin" I muttered as we walked out Master Fu's.

I walked into school to get death glares everywhere, have they already forgotten that I was ladybug! "You'll be okay" Annabeth muttered as we finally go through the doors to the home group. "I know I will" I whispered before saying in a normal voice "Wanna sit next to me?"
"Why would anyone want to sit next to you?" I turned around to see Chloe with Ayla and Lila next to her like glue. "I wasn't asking you Chloe so why would you care?" I sassed, causing Percy to laugh next to me. "That was deep, ocean deep" he said, causing me to groan.
"Puns, seriously?" Annabeth said from next to me on my left.
I laughed "Percy is Percy, we can not unfortunately do anything about it" I said, causing him to gasp. "How dare you!" He teased, putting an arm over his chest.
"Excuse me!" Chloe yelled. I turned to her.
"Anything else you want to say?" I asked kindly.
"Why did you kill?" She asked.
Great, the whole class is watching.
"Excuse me Chloe? What do you mean?" I asked confused.
I never killed at all it was all Annabeth...
...but if they found out the new girl can kill...
...stupid loyalty..
"We all know what she's means Marinette, you're Huntress" Adrien said, walking in. His eyes towards me are so cold. I flinched "And?" I asked.
"You murdered without mercy..." Ayla said.
"Not that I am aware of" I said.
"Mari, just ignore them" Annabeth said, pulling my arm. I turned around to walk to the back seats, so no one can look at me. "I saw you murder!" Aderin said.
Annabeth flinched next to me "Mari..." she whispered to me.
"I'm going to take the blame" I whispered to her.
"What? No!" She exclaimed louder.
"Actually Adrien" I said "Even though you saw me 'kill', it wasn't me"
"Yes you did!" He yelled.
I rolled my eyes "How do you know what happened, huh? As I recall, every time there was a murder you were 30 minutes after the case, not on it"
"Just give it up Marientte, we know it's you" Nino said coldly.
Tears filled up my eyes, I hate this "yeah and what? You try getting taken away from all you know and your memory getting lost. And to top it off a psychopath was hunting you!" I yelled, causing everyone to flinch.
"And how do we know you're telling the truth?" Hera asked.
"A hero's honour" I said sternly.
"What hero are you now?" Adrien said. I closed my eyes and sighed, trying to not let them get to me.
"Enough class!" Finally the home group teacher is here...with headmaster Damocles?!?
"Class, sit down, i need to tell you about an important matter" he said.
We all sat down, Annabeth on my left and Percy on my right.
"As resent events have occurred, leaving some students to be a part of it" everyone looked at me and Percy as he said that... "So please, do not do anything to harm them, they are only getting-"
"What if they deserve it?" Aderin asked.
The love of my life is against me.
I feel like curling into a ball and dying.
"No one deserves hate, everyone has a reason" Headmaster Damocles "Some maybe unclear and some even hidden for protection but they might have done bad things in the past but it does not define them at this moment"
Annabeth held my hand from under the table as everyone's old glares went my direction.
"But sire...she murdered people!" Ayla said "a former hero, murdering!"
"Silence Ayla! You don't know her story-"
"I've been her best friend and we've told each other anything!"
"But you don't know my pain" I said "You don't know what happened these last couple of years and that is for a strict reason; because before I got taken you said you never wanted to speak to me again"
"Don't bring it back to before, you had a choice!"
"No I didn't" I yelled, causing everyone to flinch in surprise "I lost my memory, founded in master Fu's place were he shock his and sent me away to the streets only to be hunted by a girl who went crazy after her family died!"
I stood up.
"Now would you excuse me, I am cooling down before things get messy" I said and walked out the room.

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