The sea is one with me as I am one with it

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Marinette's POV

"Where are we?" I asked, staring into the beautiful scenery.

"Plage de Palombaggia, one of the best beaches in France" Percy replied

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"Plage de Palombaggia, one of the best beaches in France" Percy replied.
"It's beautiful" I muttered.
"Since I got here I alway went here to relax and to think clearly" Percy said, sitting on the rocks.
I sat down next to him.
"It's going to be crazy when we get back"  I said.
"Yeah...since they know Huntress is you and I'm deep water...this is going to be one hell of the next couple of weeks"
"How do you know Kronos?" I asked, I see him flinch "I'm sorry, if you don't want to-"
"No, it's okay. You and the other two should know of my past. I was once a great you know about the Greeks?"
"Maria's adopted daughter of Artemis" I said, making him gasp.
"That's why I know her from somewhere..." Percy whispered before saying "I am...was the son of Poseidon, a hero in the three wars..."
"Kronos, Gaea and Nyx" I said "right?"
"Yeah, my real last name is Jackson and I was the one who defeated Kronos, that's why he asked about the sword because that's the symbol of me...of heroes"
"Wow, that's...sounds cool but terrifying at the same time" 
"Yeah, a demigod's life is never easy, we normally die before 16"
We sat in silence.
"What happened?" I asked, he flinched.
"One of the worst things about my father Poseidon is his flaw which got passed down to me; personal loyalty. It can effect me greatly. After the last war, the gods threaten that I killed Thalia, my own cousin. I didn't but their pride stood in the way, I got disowned and cast out. I went back to camp half-blood, where demigods live to see my girlfriend Annabeth, kissing my best friend Leo. I ran away and somehow I got here" he explained.

Wait, did he say Annabeth?

"Your Annabeth's ex?" I asked.
He nodded.
"She got cast out as well, but went insane and came to Paris two years ago. She was the new villain here, but me and Maria as huntress and Tigeress tried to stop her. But every thing she did, got blamed on me. Every attack, every building destroyed...blamed on me"
"So that's how you became Huntress? Because of...her?" Percy asked.
I nodded
"Yeah but one night, the police saw us fighting Annabeth, and tried to shot me but missed and hit Annabeth..."
He flinched
"...we stayed with her, her golden eyes changed to grey which we knew she was under control of Kronos. She cried about how Kronos made her and Leo kiss, causing her boyfriend to run off. Then how Kronos made her say that she was a spy to Kronos all along and used you...she disappeared in a bright light before we could say anything...she's still alive...somewhere"
Percy was staring at me...frozen.
"She's alive?" Percy whispered.
"I'm pretty sure she-" I started before I got tackled by someone.
"Hey!" I exclaimed as I fall too close to the edge of the cliff "What are you doing?"
"You're with my boyfriend Huntress!" A familiar voice snarled "Back off!"
"Annabeth?" I whispered, looking up to see her blonde hair and grey/gold eyes? Oh shit, she's still under Kronos' spell!

Percy was too frozen in shock to say anything.
I flashed my attention back to Annabeth, who was getting her knife at my neck.
"I will kill you!!" She snarled.
"Woah, woah. I'm not with him in a relationship, I'm just a friend" I said.
"Like I believe you!" She yelled, digging the knife into my neck.

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