The final battle

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Mari's POV

I ran to the school oval to see kronos in his titian form destroying the surrounding areas to come to us; yikes, he's big. "Say 'blue soar'" i whispered to Annabeth, who was behind a tree. "Okay, go on, I'll catch up" she said, I nodded and ran to see the others already there. I walked behind Chat and scared him, causing him to jump onto Jade Turtle who was lucky he saw me coming up behind Chat. "Ladybug!" Chat said angrily while I laughed "You're such a scared cat" I said.
"You shouldn't be here" Volpina said.
"Why shouldn't I?" I asked.
"You don't deserve to be a hero" Polar Snow growled.
"Ouch guys, that's harsh" I said, covering my heart "But you need all the help you can get is which I found the Blue Jay holder"
Annabeth came out from the shadows, looking like I did but with her long blonde hair. Polar Snow and Tigerous looked at me weirdly, I forgot that they knew...
"Who's she and where's the other holder?" Queen Bee said rudely.
"Well Chloe, the other holder's dead" Blue Jay said, shocking the others.
"How do you know her name? And did Marinette kill her?" Chat asked coldly.
Blue Jay rolled her eyes as Deep water came up behind her "I know her name because I know her and secondly..." She looked at me as I nodded "...why would Marinette kill her self?"
The others gasped.
"That can't be true!" Voplina snarled.
"It is" Polar Snow said "The element miraculous holders showed each other their identities"
Chat nodded "Um guys, we have kronos to defeat" Blue Jay said as Kronos came to us.
"GREEK GOLD!!!" We all yellled quickly.
All of our weapons changed again
Style queen and Chat Noir had spears
Turtle Jade and Volpina has small swords
Polar snow has a dagger
Tigeress has a sling
I has twin 3 foot swords
Deep water had a 3 foot sword
And Jay Blue had two daggers

"Oh here's the little crew, reunited" Kronos said in cold voice. In front of Kronos appeared Hawkmoth, great...not!
"Hawkmoth" Me and Chat snarled.
"Hello Chat noir and Ladybug" Hawkmoth "Its great to see you have friends in which I can steal their miraculous!"
"We will never let you!" Volpina said.
"Changed sides have we?" Hawkmoth said, causing her to flinch "and you Style Queen, they're nothing compared to you, you're mother would be so proud" I stood in front of Style Queen and Voplina. "Leave them alone Hawkmoth" I snarled.
"Meaner than I remember, you should join us" I flinched as he said that, causing him to smirk "Betrayed by family, it's all happened to me before. My wife dying and my son never taking to me"

Then it suddenly clicked...

...missing wife and a son around my age...

...I know who Hawkmoth is.
I smirked "I think it's you not talking to your son Hawkmoth" I said.
"How would you know?"he asked.
"You wife disappearing on a mission as the peacock miraculous, because you're so depressed you shut out your only son" I said, causing him to gasp "I know who you are"
"Well its not going to change anything!" He said, causing me to flinch, where have I heard that before. "Ladybug?" Deep water asked.
"I memories are about to come back" I said as I started to feel light-headed.
I feel backwards into Style Queen's arms to hear her scream "STAY AWAY FROM MY QUEEN!!" Before I blacked out.


I groaned as I opened my eyes to see a weridly familiar face "Hush sweetie, you're hurt" she said. I sat up "Master Fu must really hate you for kicking you out" she said. As my vision cleared up, I saw...the peacock miraculous?!?!?

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