Huntress hunted

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Percy's POV
"Mari, wait up!!" I yelled as she ran to the park near school. She's so fast.
She stops at a fountain causing me to gasp for breathe "Man, I really need to workout" I said, causing her to turn her head to me. Her face softened when she saw me.
"I thought you were Adrien, sorry" Marientte apologised.
"That's fine, are you okay?" I asked her.


"What was that?" Marinette asked as the ground started to shake. An evil laugher filled the now empty park, I paled, I know that laugh from anywhere. "Kronos" I whispered. Marinette looked at me with alarm. "Let's transform, Blue-"
"Mari, you should go as Huntress, to prove that you're good" Blue, her Kwami said. I nodded. She sighed and clicked her fingers. All a sudden she was in a black assassin uniform and her hair is dark brown while her eyes are a lighter ocean blue.
"Wait, you're huntress?" I exclaimed.
She nodded sadly.
"There's nothing wrong with that Mari" I whispered, clutching her check, causing her to blush.
"Come on, we don't have all day" Marinette said, pushing me off of her.
"Right. White, Finns out!!" I yelled, causing me to become Deep water.
"Okay Huntress, you ready?" I asked as the tall, golden Titan came to view.
"Ready as I'll ever be" Mari said.
We both ran to the 13 foot tall Kronos.
He just laughed as he saw us.
"You'll be easy to defeat, Only two people alive can defeat me and one's dead and the other is...classified"

Mari/Huntress and I both flinched. I know Kronos was talking about me for some reason, I just have that gut feeling.

"Leave the earth alone Kronos!!" Huntress yelled as the other heroes and the rest of the elements team came in.
"Woah, he's massive!!" Style queen exclaimed.
"No kidding!!" Huntress said.
"What are you doing here?" Volpina snarled.
"Helping" Huntress said.
"Where's Blue Jay?" Chat asked.
"No idea, she hasn't been herself in a while" Tigeress said.
"Guys!! The massive Titan is here!!" Polar Snow yelled, running to attack Kronos' leg. Jade Turtle, Style Queen, Tigeress and Volpina ran straight at his leg only to get knocked to the closet building wall. "Ow" Tigeress groaned "Why didn't our power's work?"

Something clicked.

"You know how Kronos is a Greek Titain?" I asked as I dodged a swipe from Kronos.
"Yeah, and?" Huntress said as she nearly got stood on.
"Normal metal can't hurt him" I said.
"Well that's nice to know!!" Chat said, grabbing Style Queen from the rubble as Kronos stepped there. "Hang on, isn't there some Greek metal? Cesital gold or something?" Huntress asked.
"Thank you, now I think from memory, yell 'Greek gold' and your weapon will turn into a Greek weapon that you'll be naturally great with" I explained.
"GREEK GOLD!!!" We all yellled.
All of our weapons changed.
Style queen and Chat Noir had spears
Turtle Jade and Volpina has small swords
Polar snow has a dagger
Tigeress has a sling
Huntress has twin 3 foot swords
I had a bronze, 3 foot sword that was beautiful.
On the sword, it had writing in Greek...


Snapping back into thought I lunged at Kronos, slicing his leg. It cut straight through, causing him to fall onto his side. "HOW DID YOU GET THAT SWORD?" Kronos yelled.
I smirked "Well, I've had it for a while if that's what you're asking"
Kronos turned his head to me, his golden eyes boring into my soul.
The others are looking at me wide eyed as I replied with "Does it look like I am? You should know me better than that Kronos"
"Sadly, I do"
"Why are you back?"
"To gain total control of earth"
"Remember last time that failed and Luke and many other people died"
"Their fault"
Anger burnt inside of me, how dare he.
"At lest I don't eat my children!!!" I said lamely.
Kronos narrowed his eyes before smirking "I may be physically harmed but I can get people mentally" he looked at Marinette before he disappeared.

"Well that's ov-"
"No Huntress!!" I yelled as she fell over. I caught her before her head touch the ground "Fight it!!"
"What are you taking about deep water? She could have passed out because of exhaustion" Chat Noir said.
I shake my head fearly "No, I have fought Kronos before. He's in her mind"
All of them gasped. Marinette groaned with pain. "Make it stop, stop please!!" She yelled. I made a water force field around us as civilians (including tv crew) surrounded us so they can't bombard us with questions.
"It's okay, you'll be okay" I whispered, putting my hands through her hair under her hood.
"But it hurts" she cried.
"I know honey, just try and stand up. The more you control your body, the lest Kronos will control it" I said. She nodded and I put her head on the ground. She stood up with shaky legs. "Ahhhh!" Marinette yelled, clutching her head. She fell onto me, crying on my shoulder. I hugged her with comfort. "Kronos, get out of her, I'm the one you want" I whispered.
"No Perseus Jackson, I will have both of you one day" Kronos' voice echoed the force field. Marinette's tense body became relaxed, sighing that she wasn't in pain.

I let the force field disappear, leaving me and Marinette hug. A gust of wind came, causing huntress' hood to come off. My miraculous beeped, revealing my civilian form as Percy Johnson/Jackson. Camera's flash as I closed my eyes and hugged Marinette tighter. "I can't hold my disguise any longer" she whispered.
"It's okay Mari, let go or the pain will be worse" I said, causing gasps around me.

"Marinette?" Chat who had now transformed into Adrien asked.I can sense he wants to hug her and is jealous of me, even though he doesn't know it's someone he knows. "Adrien, please, we need to go" Style queen said "We need to recover, we can talk with the rest of the ancient holders as they come over the shock, okay?" I can hear Adrien sigh.
"One move and I'll-"
"I know Adrien, I know" I muttered as I hear him walking away.

Huntress became surrounded my a light blue light to reveal Marinette's black hair. She cried harder. "Calm down maiden, you'll be fine" I said, stroking her hair.
"I know it will be but I'm not sure if they're ready, Jackson" Marientte said, catching on the nicknames. Maiden for one of the past miraculous holders for ladybug was a maiden of a land. Jackson for my last real one. "But you've got some explaining to do" she whispered in my ear. I smirked "I know away to get out of this, you ready?" I whispered in her ear. She nodded and I vapour travelled us to another place away from here to one of France's greatest beaches 1,278.8km from Paris; Plage de Palombaggia.

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