#2.Riddle time

9 1 0

Three people went into a hotel for sandwiches.The sandwiches went for $30 a piece.They contributed $10 each and gave it to the waiter.
Upon going to the cashier,the customers were given a $5 discount .
The cashier pocketed $2 and gave the customers $1 each. So in real sense each of the customers had contributed $9.

Therefore, the total amount contributed,was 9×3=27
Now the $27 contributed plus the $3 brought back as the balance:27+3=30

What happened to the $2 pocketed by the waiter???

A man saw a shirt going  for $100 he didn't have the money on him so he borrowed $50 from his father and $50 from his mother.When he went  back to the store, he found that the shirt was now going for $97.He gave his  mother $1 and his father $1. Therefore he still owed his mother $49 and his father $49.So in total he had a debt of 49+49=98...$98 now add the $2 he had given back to his parents 98+2=100.....

How do you account for the $1 he pocketed ???

A/N 📝📝:mathematics fans lets see your answers guys...

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