At the Barricade

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"You could say that." Jehan replied, "He is basically the one who did all of this." He gestured to the people working around them.

"How long did it take you to put this battle plan together?" Rip inquired.

"Enjolras has talked about it for years." He answered, "But one thing has happened that has made things apparent. General Lamarque is dead. He was the one man that looked after the people here."

"Poor man. Surely he had others like him who would help, right?"

"No one has the same ideals. Sadly, France is falling to its knees." Jehan looked down, "The last thing I wish for is war, but if it changes our country, then so be it."

"Then why are we standing around talking about the scenery rather than participating?" Rip asked feeling the urge to help all these boys with their task, "I wish to meet this Enjolras you speak of. Perhaps there's something I can do since you appear to have the barricade nearly done."

"Of course, sir."

A curly black haired man ran in between them with a bottle in his hand.

"Oh!" Jehan called him back, "Where is Enjolras, Grantaire?"

The man called Grantaire turned around and replied, "I just got here. My best guess is that he's with Marius somewhere. Now pardon me, there's somewhere I need to be." With that, the man continued on inside a building across the way.

Rip stared after him not entirely sure what to say except, "Who the bloody heck was that fellow?"

"That was Grantaire," Jehan sighed, "Pardon my language, but he is quite useless sometimes." He then became very animated, "Come on. I will find Enjolras on my own."

Rip took his trench coat off seeing that it may be blown to bits, "I'll just lay this here." He laid it on a rail to make sure that it would be alright before following Jehan again.

Jehan noticed Rip's strange outfit and pointed to his leather jacket he was wearing, "Things may be different in London, for I have never been there, but I have never seen one of those before."

"Ah," Rip realized his clothing error, "this was, um, something my friend gave to me a long time ago. She likes to experiment with new materials, you might say."

"It is very nice," Jehan complimented.

"I'll need one of those, won't I?" Rip pointed to the badge that Jehan was wearing on his coat.

"Oh yes! Just a moment," He dug in his coat pocket and pulled out an identical badge, "Here you are, sir. You are an official member of the revolution." He declared cheerfully.

Rip smiled and pinned it to his coat, "Thank you. Now where do I begin?"

"Well, after we find Enjolras, he will tell you where you are needed." Jehan informed him.

The two resumed to look for Enjolras amidst the crowd of people preparing for the fight.

"While we walk, do you mind if I ask you something?" He inquired.

"Of course not," Rip answered, "what is it?"

"It may sound silly," he began sounding a little nervous, "but I've always wondered what London is like. I have dreamed of going since I was young. So many amazing poets and artists have originated from England. What exactly is it like there?"

The boy's curiosity amused Rip, "It isn't silly at all! The buildings are quite large, and to be honest, it's very busy there. Everyone goes about as fast as possible to make sure they're not late for something, and it's always crowded. In my opinion, it's a nice city, but it needs a bit more room for everything that happens in it."

Jehan held onto each word that Rip said about London as if it were the most important thing in the universe. He had always wished to go, and this man that seemed to come out of nowhere was telling him of all the adventures and excitement which buzzed in the city of his dreams.

"It sounds amazing." He grinned, "Maybe some day you can give me a tour."

Rip stopped in his tracks for a moment, but then continued. He knew the fate of each person he met and saw. Jehan was just a boy. He had to do something, but he didn't know what.

"Perhaps one day we can make that work." Rip smiled pretending nothing was wrong at all.

"That would mean the world to me, sir." Jehan stopped and grinned bigger than he ever had before, "The world shines brighter with that thought in mind."

Rip had no idea how to respond to that without betraying the fact that he wouldn't be alive in the next 20 hours.

"There he is!" Jehan exclaimed and pointed behind Rip.

He turned to see a man in a red coat who had almost golden curly hair and instantly knew that he was in charge. The man turned and saw the two looking at him and made his way towards them. Now that he was closer, Rip knew not to get on the wrong side of him, because there was such a gleam of determination in his eye that if he set his mind to something, he would do it if it killed him.

"I suppose you are Enjolras?" Rip asked to see if he was correct.

"Yes," the man replied, "and who might you be?"

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