Enjolras and Grantaire

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"My name is Rip Hunter. I'm from East London." He stated, "I've heard about this whole thing from Jehan, here, and I am willing to help in anyway possible, sir."

Enjolras looked him up and down as if he were searching for something, "Forgive me for being harsh, but I am well aware that there are soldiers that may come undercover, and your story is a little far fetched. Can you give me your word that you speak the truth?"

"Yes, in fact," Rip replied and reached inside his jacket pocket for the one item he held most dear to him. It was the most recent and last picture ever made of his wife and son, "I wouldn't just give this to anyone. I fought for them and couldn't save them. I want to fight with you in the hopes that this country can be saved." He held the picture out, "Here, take it."

Enjolras took it and examined the photo, "This is your family?" He asked.

"Yes," Rip had to look away, "they were."

"I'm sorry. They would be proud," he held the picture out for Rip, who took it back slightly confused, "Keep it. Welcome to our revolution, Mr. Hunter."

The two shook hands.

"Thank you, sir," Rip gave him a small smile, "I won't let you down."

"Jehan," Enjolras spoke, "you can take Mr. Hunter to collect more ammunition."

Jehan nodded, "Alright. Oh, and I saw Grantaire with a bottle in his hand earlier. He said he had some place to be."

Enjolras groaned, "Is he good for nothing? If you see him tell him to get his lousy behind to the barricade. We need more help."

As if on cue, Grantaire zoomed passed the three looking smug and carrying a wooden chair.

"I see your actually doing something useful for once!" Enjolras shouted as he ran by.

"Oh, you got that right!" Grantaire replied gleefully.

"Where's your bottle?" He inquired as he realized what was missing.

"Oops!" Grantaire exclaimed and ran past them so fast that they only heard, "Must've left it with..." before he ran into the same building he was in earlier.

Enjolras shook his head in dismay and continued with what he was doing.

"Right," Jehan sighed, "Let us get going, Mr. Hunter."

"Quite right, Jehan," Rip agreed, "I think Grantaire's story is best for another time."

The two went in a few alleys in between the large wooden buildings to try to find any kind of ammunition, but they found hardly enough to shout at. So, they sat down for a moment and continued to talk.

"Well, there isn't much to tell about him," Jehan continued on about Grantaire. "He is, to put it gently, our school's drunk."

Rip snorted.

"He mainly cares about having fun. I'm surprised he is even helping with our barricade. Although, I am concerned about how he got the chair." Jehan sighed.

"Well he is who he is." Rip said. "Where do we find more ammunition? Just around?"

"Well, they are taking it back to the ABC Café, but I suppose we can go ask around and see if any people have some to spare." Jehan suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," Rip jumped up ready to actually do something. "How long do you think we have?"

Jehan also stood up and studied what little of the sky was visible in between the buildings. "By my calculations,we most likely have until sundown."

"Well, we'd better start knocking on some doors." Rip froze right where he was. A very genius and horrible idea began to form in his mind. "Or..."

Jehan didn't notice, and was walking ahead of Rip.

"Jehan!" Rip called him back. "Listen to me. You believe in some impossible things, right?"

"Well, yes. I suppose so." He replied not sure what Rip had in mind.

Rip began to get more and more excited as each second passed that he began to pace back and forth."This goes against everything that I've been taught," he paused and faced a confused Jehan, "but I have a way to help."

Jehan nodded slowly unsure of where this was going.

"It's going to sound and look impossible," Rip went on, "but believe me, it is real. Just follow me to the top of this building here!"

With that said, Rip took off inside one of the buildings they were beside and practically left Jehan in the dust.

"Mr. Hunter!" Jehan called after him trying his best to keep up with him. "Where exactly are we going?!"

Rip was already a whole flight above him.

"Follow me! All the way to the top!" He yelled above the uproar of the people at ground level. The noise had just increased a lot since they began to climb the steps. "Just trust me!"

"Al-alright, sir!" Jehan replied and hurried up the stairs after Rip.

He had just met the man and already he acted like he had known him all his life. Little did he know what was in store for him within the next few hours, and the choice he would have to make that could change the course of history itself.

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