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When Jehan finally made it to the roof, all he saw was Rip Hunter deep in thought as he paced in a small circle.

When Rip noticed Jehan, he hastened over to him.

"Now listen to me," Rip began urgently, "before I tell you what this is, I must tell you what it will do."

Jehan could only nod to tell him to continue. He had no idea what Rip was talking about.

"If I use it, then the whole battle will turn," Rip went on to say, "You'll win before it has even begun."

"What could you possibly own that could do such a thing?" Jehan asked in amazement.

Rip took a deep breath, "If I use it, then history itself will change."

"Sir...is that wise?" Jehan asked slowly and then realized what Rip was saying, "Wait, are you saying you know the future?"

Rip realized that he had already said too much to turn back, "Oh, Jehan," he spoke a little quieter, "if you only knew the things that I have seen. The good, the bad, the terrible, the horrific, it's all there."

Jehan was frozen with astonishment, "You are not who you say you are, are you?"

"I told you the truth," Rip answered honestly and taking a deep breath, "My name is Rip Hunter, and I am from East London. Just from the future is all."

Jehan's blue eyes grew wider than ever, "The future! But how?"

Rip let out a small laugh, "It's a bit hard to explain, but it is possible."

"Wait, wait, wait," Jehan backed up a little, "you said that history itself will be changed. You said we'll win the war. If you know the future, without you we lose?"

"Please don't make me say anything more," Rip responded looking away in case his eyes showed any kind of sorrow.

"Mr. Hunter," Jehan asked again, "do we really?"

Rip decided to tell him somewhat of the truth without saying that they would lose, "If I tell you no, then you will begin to do rash things and believe that you'll win no matter what. If I say you do lose, then you will think that there's nothing left to fight for. Which do you want me to tell you?"

Jehan thought for moment, trying to take in all that this man was telling him. Finally, he looked up and spoke slowly, "I must say neither. Often it is better to be ignorant."

Rip couldn't help but smile a little, "Yes, I believe it is. However, there is one thing." He paused, "We still have time left before sundown. Do you still want to see London, my friend?"

"London? Now? But it takes days days to get there!" Jehan protested.

Rip said nothing, but backed up with a smirk on his face. He snapped his fingers and a ramp lowered out of nowhere to reveal the interior of a huge ship, but the exterior was still hidden.

Jehan practically fainted from the shock, "What in heaven's name is that? Pardon my language. But how?!" He gasped.

"It's a little thing called time travel." He explained and continued before Jehan could interrupt, "Yes, in the future there is such a thing as traveling through time. We can go anywhere at any time and still be back within five minutes or less."

Jehan gaped at what was before him, "That is - that is just - well, that is completely brilliant!" He grinned bursting with curiosity and glee.

"What I'm trying to say is, it's your choice." Rip began, "You can stay and fight, or you can come with me, but you'll have to come back before long."

When Jehan didn't respond, Rip hopped onto the ramp and invited him inside, "In fact, come see my ship for yourself!"

"Ship?" Jehan followed slowly putting one foot and then the other on the ramp that led inside Rip's giant machine, "But we aren't on the ocean...are we?"

"Well, you can think of time as like a large ocean with many levels. One level is now, and the next can be London in 1996! Who knows? I suppose that's why it's called a ship. I could be wrong." Rip bit his lip trying to remember why they're called ships.

"That is amazing," was all Jehan could say.

Rip realized that he hadn't gone inside the ship and once again invited the student in, "Climb aboard! Come see for yourself."

Jehan cautiously stepped inside the Waverider.

"Is it...dangerous?" He asked.

"Do you like a little danger?" Rip replied, "You are in a revolution after all."

"I guess so," Jehan stopped in his tracks, "What about my friends? The ammunition?"

"Did you not understand what I just said? Time travel. We'll be back and no one will know we had left." When Jehan still didn't look convinced, he added, "We can also get the ammunition faster this way as well."

"Alright," Jehan stepped fully inside the ship, "as long as we're back quickly. I would never leave my friends."

"Of course we will," Rip promised and led the way deeper inside the ship.

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