Then I will

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Steph's P.O.V

So rob and I have made it through till the end of the week but today not so much...


"Hey baaoob, rob, Mr.Downey" I said as I walked into his room and saw Mr.Franco. Mr.Franco turned to Rob and rolled his eyes. "I thought I told you to end this Robert" He stated directly towards rob without hesitation. Rob opened his mouth to talk but came up with nothing. "But I love her" he whispered under his breath. Mr.Franco must have heard "Then you shouldn't mind losing your job for her, Unless you end it right here right now" He said and my heart sank. "I can't do that" rob said looking to the ground. 

I looked at him in shock and said "Then I will!" then walked out of the room.

Rob's P.O.V

Did she just do what I think she just did? I thought to myself as I looked toward the door she had walked  out of. 

"Well Rob, It seems you get to keep your job" Mr.Franco said and left the room as well. "I don't want it" I whispered to myself. Did she really mean it? I mean where did this come from? what would make her do that? everything is great with us. I think.

Steph's P.O.V

I wasn't sure how rob took what happened earlier, so I headed to his house. I knocked a couple times but he didn't seem to answer. I turned the handle and knew he was home because the door was unlocked. I slowly walked in and heard sniffles coming from the living room. I walked towards them and saw rob sitting on the couch with red eyes. He looked up at me with sadness and sudden anger. 

"what do you want?" he hammered. "Please tell me you're not crying about earlier?" I said with concern. "what do you care were not together anymore." He said and right then I knew. He had taken it the worst way possible. I laughed slightly at him as I said "Babe I wasn't being serious, You know I love you." "Then why did you say it?" he asked confused. "Because I didn't want you to lose your job because of me. I knew if I did that he wouldn't tell." I explained. "But honey, I don't care if i lose my job, as long as i can be with you." He said caressing my face. Honey? Now i feel like were married. I thought to myself. 

"Why are you smiling like that?" He said looking at me confused. I hadn't realized I was smiling. "Smiling? I wasn't smiling" I said trying to stop smiling but probably looking like an idiot. "Don't lie, Why were you smiling?" He said pulling me onto his lap. "Nothing" I said calmly. He looked at me and smirked. "no,no ,no don't even think about it!" I said when i knew what was coming.

"Tell me then" He said placing his hands on my sides. "nope" I said shaking my head. He smiled and began to tickle my sides. I burst into laughter and tried to stop him but he didn't. "Okay Okay!" I yelled just as i was running out of breath. "I'll tell you" I said when he finally stopped. "okay" He said with a proud smile. I rolled my eyes and told him.

"When you said 'honey' I felt like we were married" I said shyly. "awe honey." he said and hugged me tightly. I blushed and quickly kissed his cheek. "Can you get any cuter?" He whispered to me causing me to blush again. This man makes me blush too easily. "yes" I said. I got up grabbed a blanket wrapped it around myself and dove onto his couch cuddling into the blanket.

"Okay that is the cutest and yet sexiest thing ever." He said chuckling and looking at me with his still red but sparkling eyes. I rolled landing on the floor but opening the blankets and said seductively "Wanna join?" raising my eyebrows and trying not to laugh at the fact that I had just fallen off a couch. He raised his eyebrows and smiled before running over and diving on the couch on top of the blanket. He lifted me and the blanket up so it was wrapped around both of us. 

"Hey babe?" Rob whispered as we laid on his couch. "ya?" I whispered back. "I haven't really seen you with Bobby or Dylan lately. What's with that?" He asked. I thought about it for a moment. I hadn't really noticed it lately other then i am always alone at lunch and Bobby's boyfriend would walk with me sometimes but not Bobby. I haven't even seen them around school. Nathan always said things about bobby but i never really asked about it. "you know what, that is a good question, i'll have to get back to you on that when I know the answer." I said kissing his neck because I was to tired to move. 

"Hey don't do that" Rob said. "do what?" I asked confused. "kiss my neck" He replied. "kiss your neck? okay" I said and kissed his neck jokingly. "Stop it." He whined. I giggled and asked "why?" "I am trying to think and that is very distracting." He whined again. "Oh I know it's distracting" I said and kissed his neck again because he did it when i was trying to write. I looked up and he had a frown on his face. "what is so important you need to think about it?"I asked him with a sigh.

"Why i need to keep you forever" He finally said. I looked at him in awe and asked "what have you thought of so far?" "everything." He said and I smiled again. "no reasons to get rid of me?" I asked. "just one" He said and I released a loud gasp. "and what would that be?" I questioned. "Your Damn kisses are very distracting!" He said stubbornly but jokingly. I looked at him for a moment before kissing his neck like crazy causing him to laugh. 


I'm sorry guys, I can't help all the cuteness that pours into my writing!, It's impossible no to write it!! Steph saved them both, but what if they get caught again! :o

Truly,Madly,Deeply(sequel to Mr. Downey)Where stories live. Discover now