Back in the day

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Rob's P.O.V

"So what did you think about the new gym teacher?" I asked, I still hadn't met him yet. "Okay I'm going to be completely honest with you, yes he's cute, no I don't like him, Yes I love you, yes you're better looking, no you don't have to worry"She replied placing her hand on my thigh. "I'm sorry I stopped listening after cute" I said disappointed. "Oh come on you can even ask bobby I hardly paid attention to him all class." She defended. "Ya but you still think he's cute" I said grumpily. "Ya but I still think you're sexy" She said and I hid my smile. "You still said it" I said crossing my arms. "Would you like for me to lie to you and say he is the ugliest person I have ever seen?" She asked. "Well ya obviously" I replied. She rolled her eyes and said "Mr. Downey, Mr. Fitzgerald is the ugliest person I have ever seen." "Thank you" I said back. "Mr. Fitzgerald, that name sounds familiar" I thought to myself.

"Now then why did you hide from me the fact that you were my other gym teacher?" She asked glaring at me. "Because I wanted to surprise you" I said smiling. "I was about ready to jump on you when you walked into that gym, I hadn't seen you at all before that. Even ask bobby he had to hold me back" She said laughing but being serious as well. 

"Wow a whole 3 hours without me and you're ready to pounce" I said jokingly. She blushed and defended "Oh come on you were wearing a tight black v neck shirt showin off that bod of yours." "Just ponce" was all I said just messing with her. "Shut up, it was a long day" She said leaning into me. i chuckled and put my arm around her. I still couldn't get over how familiar that name was to me though. Fitzgerald...


The first week back was rough because I was worried about steph whenever she had gym with the new teacher. The weirdest part was that I still haven't seen him.

Steph's P.O.V

During the second week of school everything started to get weird. The new teacher was always talking to me and getting me to get equipment for him. I didn't think much of it other than it just came out of no where. 

"So Steph I heard your favourite teacher is Mr. Downey?" He asked. "He sure is, he's a great teacher" I replied. "I know him and I go way back, I haven't seen him yet though I'm not sure why, but I recognized his name, we used to go to school together, then he got all smart and skipped a couple grades." He explained and I was shocked that they knew each other. "Oh that's cool well I'm sure he would be happy to see you" I said. "Ya anyway, do you mind helping me put away the nets?" He asked. I couldn't exactly say no because I was the only one i the gym since I didn't have to change. "Ya sure I don't have anything else to do, I actually have Mr.Downey next maybe you guys can chat?" I suggested. "I would but I have to get to my next class as well." He said shrugging. It seemed more like he just didn't want to talk to him. 

I helped him to clean up the nets then grabbed a basketball to shoot around. Normally Bobby and I would shoot around but he had a dentist appointment to go to at lunch and he was just staying home after. "Hey steph" Rob said walking into the gym. I smiled and shot the ball totally missing. "Sorry" He said with a smirk. I just rolled my eyes and grabbed the ball. "So Mr. Fitzgerald tells me you two knew each other before." I said as we shot the ball around. Everyone seemed to be running late for class. "Oh really" He said and thought for a moment before his eyes got really wide.

"MR. FIZZ!" he practically yelled. "I remember now, We do go way back but not in a good way. He always used to pick on me because I was shorter than him. His thing was to shake up a pop making it all fizzy and he would spray it at people he didn't like. Which is how he got the name Mr.Fizz." He explained. "Okay before we go any further with this, where is everyone today?" I asked confused as to why there was no one in the gym. "Oh right there is a field trip today for the foods classes, I guess they all have food today." Rob suggested. "Wow we get a whole gym to ourselves wanna play basketball one on one?" I suggested. "Okay but don't be sad if you lose." He said with a big smirk on his face. "Don't worry I won't lose." I said and bounced the ball to him. "And so it begins" I said before starting the game. 


Mr.Fizz lol who do you think would win the one on one match?

Truly,Madly,Deeply(sequel to Mr. Downey)Where stories live. Discover now