18 'till I die

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Rob's P.O.V

I can't believe it she is almost 18. Only a one more day. I want to make her day perfect. Especially because we never get to do anything around school with Dave keeping an eye on us all the time. I just wanted to punch him in the face sometimes for getting in the way of our love.

Her birthday is on a friday so I planned out a nice day for her to hang out with her friends and then later on it would just be the two of us. Of course there was a little something I was looking forward to but I want her to be okay with it, I don't want to push her into it. Although she seems to be the one tempting me on purpose. 

"So are you ready for your big day tomorrow?" I asked steph over the phone. It was nearly midnight but we just laid in bed talking with each other over the phone. "Yes I've been ready for quite some time." She replied excitedly. "Well I got you a big present that I think you will like" I said with a grin on my face. "I would ask what it is but I know you would never tell me" She said and I could almost picture her rolling her eyes. "You know me so well babe" I said smiling again. "So after everyone leaves, you are coming over here right?" I asked. "Yes, yes I am."

We continued to talk about tomorrow and other things and when it got quiet for a while Steph had fallen asleep. I hung up so it would waste her calling and slowly drifted off myself. 

Steph's P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the time. It was only 7am so i closed them again. Not long after they shot right open. "I'm eighteen" I said aloud to myself with a big grin. I grabbed my phone and immediately called Rob. 

"Hello" he answered in his morning voice. "Hey babe guess what" I said. "What?" He asked sounding half asleep. "I'm eighteen!" I said a little too loud. "I know babe it's great" He replied as though he didnt care but I knew it was only because he wasn't quite awake and wanted to sleep. "Well I'm glad you're so excited" I said sarcastically, "Why don't you go back to sleep so you will be awake when I get there later." I suggested. "Thank you babe" He sighed. I rolled my eyes and said goodbye before hanging up.

I quickly got out of bed and hopped in the shower before my friends showed up. I got dressed just in time when the door bell rang. I hurried to the front door and swung it open before my mom could. "Bobby! Nathan!" I yelled and pulled my friends into a hug. ""happy birthday girl" Bobby said as they walked inside. "So who are we waiting on? I want to get going" Nathan said excitedly. "We're just waiting for Dylan and Nikita, they should be here soon" I said also excited.

"So I have a question for you guys well we wait" I said as my mom left the house to go to work. "Okay what is it?" Bobby asked. "Well I was wondering where you guys have been lately? You haven' walked with me at lunch or anything I figured you guys were mad at me or something." I asked nervous. "Oh no we could never be mad at you Stephy. We have been planning your party and we all knew we couldn't keep the secret very well so we just stayed away untl today" Bobby finished and gave me a hug. "Okay good I don't want to lose my best friends." I said happily.

The doorbell rang interupting our little talk and I rushed over and opened it to see Nikita and Dylan. I had a smile on my face until I looked down to see them holding hands then I got curious. "Whoa whoa whoa, when did this happen?" I asked. "oh umm not that long ago aha I would have told you but.." "you had to keep the secret" I interupted. "Ya" Dylan said. "Well I am very happy for you to I was actually waiting for this to happen."  I said winking at them both. Though it did hurt a little bit to see them I was glad they were together I felt bad that Dylan has been alone lately. 

"Alright now that everyone is here where are we off too?" I asked everyone. "That...is still a surprise. Let's go" Bobby said and we all headed out to his car. We went to a theme park for a while and rode roller coaster because I had never been on any big ones. On th way back WE had one more stop to make.

"Oh I should have known we were going here" I said as we pulled up to a bar. I smiled and we all piled out of Bobby's car. 

We all ordered one of their strongest drinks and Bobby made a toast to me. Not long after, boy were we drunk.

"18 'till I die!" I yelled as the song ended. I looked around the room buzzed and saw nikita grinding on dylan on the dance floor and Bobby and Nathan making out in the corner. I laughed as I watched them for a moment but then something caught my eye. I walked over to about 5 pictures that were up on the wall. I looked at them all until I saw the last one. There was a picture of a man up on the bar holding up a beer. As I looked closer and the man became familiar, It was Rob. I burst into laughter as I looked at the picture and imagined Rob dancing on the bar. 

It was then I decided it was time to head over to Rob's. I called a cab for myself and waited. Before the cab got there I went up to the bartender and asked him "Hey can you do me a favor and make sure those four people take a cab home for me?" I asked and handed him some money. He smiled and nodded and I kissed his cheek before heading out to my cab. I might have been drunk but I certainly did not want anyone to die tonight. 

"Rob!" I yelled through his house as I let myself in.

Rob's P.O.V

I heard steph yelling from my front door and rolled my eyes when I realized she was drunk."I should have known this would happen" I thought to myself as I went to find her. When I finally found her she had fallen onto the couch and was laughing hard at herself. I could help but smile and chuckle as well. "Babe are you okay?" I asked. She sat up on the couch with a straigh face and said "I'm fine" before bursting into laughter again. I rolled my eyes again and went and sat with her on the couch.

"Hey sexy, Why didn't you tell me you had your picture on a wall at the bar?" Steph asked and I looked at her confused for a moment until I remembered, I had won a drinking game when I had my 18th birthday over there. "Oh wow I completely forgot about that" I told her. "Well babe you were damn hot" She said giggling. I chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Hey wait come back" She said when I pulled away. I leaned in to kiss her lips but she stopped me. "Wait I can't, I have a boyfriend" She said. "oh wait no that's you!" She said surprised. "You can kiss me now" She finished closing her eyes, I chuckled and leaned over to kiss her.

Not long after she had fallen asleep next to me. It wasn't quite how I wanted the night to go but atleast she made it to my house safely. We have lots of time for everything else.

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