Chapter 1

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Sophia's POV.

"Sophia come down here for a minute please." My mom yelled. Getting up from my bed and walking down the stairs I saw my mom and dad by the door with there luggage.

"Alright so Harry will be coming over at 6 and call your sister if you need anything. We will miss you so much sweetie. Call us if you ever wanna talk. We love you Sophia." My mom breathed out. "I love you guys to and don't worry I'll be fine call when you land." My mom and dad both kissed my forehead and left.

Well I guess I should introduce myself, my names Sophia Pines and I'm 17. I have an older sister named Sinai and then there's Harry we've been friends since we were 7! Harry moved here from England and ever since then we've been friends.

Knock knock

I opened the door and Harry was standing there with some bags. I gave him a hug and then let him in. "How are you today Soph?" "I'm great how are you Haz?" "I'm great to. I'm gonna cook dinner tonight."

Yumm Harry always makes the best food. "What are you making?" "Well that my love is a surprise." He smirked at me he knows I hate surprises why does he do this to me.

Harry's POV

It's no secret I like her I've liked her since I was 11. I've always tried to ignore it or date other people but no one compares to her. She's just beautiful, she wears no make up and I love that.
She has the sweetest personality she's nice to everyone and she's so funny.

She just drives me crazy but I can't just tell her I like her cos she doesn't feel the same. But hopefully one day she will like me just as much as I like her.

Little did Harry know that everything was about to change.


Sorry it's a really bad first chapter but it will get better!! Thank you for reading I'll see you next chapter!! ❤️❤️

Ily~ Savannah💘

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