Chapter 4

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Dedications go to jenny_Da_Bae and YakelinMendez my biggest supporters you guys always comment and vote I just appreciate you guys so much so thanks

Harry's POV

After the events that just played out she fell asleep in my arms. To her she was probably just in the mood and wanted to have sex but to me I was really establishing my love for her. Yep that's right I've figured it out I love her.

And so I've decide that I'm gonna leave and if she needs something she can call me. Because she's never gonna feel the same and I'm just gonna get in the way of everything with my emotions now that we've had sex. And with that I got up grabbed my things, kissed her forehead and then left.

Sophia's POV

I woke up to know one next to me. Was it just a dream? I got up and searched the whole house for Harry but he wasn't anywhere. I looked out the window and saw his car was gone and that's when all the memories of last night came flooding back.

He left wow so this really meant nothing to him? I meant nothing to him? All I wanted to do was cry. He left me. I walked into the kitchen grabbing a banana and pouring some coffee and then going into the living room to watch tv.

I called Michaela my other bestfriend and invited her over I really need someone to talk to. I just can't believe he would leave. My thought were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in."

"What's wrong Soph." "It's Harry we had sex last night." "That's amazing omg so that means you guys are together right?" "No he left he just left without a word."

And that's when I broke I just started crying I couldn't contain my emotions.

Thanks for reading!! I'll see you guys next chapter

Ily~ Savannah💘

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