Chapter 9

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Sophia's POV

We pulled up to the doctors office and Harry got our first coming around to my side and opening the door. We walked up to the front desk and the lady behind the counter looked at us with a bored expression.

"Hi I'm Sophia Pines, I have an appointment with Dr. Smith." "Alright he's just finishing up with a patient right now." I nodded my head with a smile while Harry took my hand and lead us to a place to sit.

"Are you nervous?" He asked. "Not really are you?" "Kinda but I'm more excited." "Me to Harry," I said with a smile.

"What are you hopping to have?" "A girl would be nice but I'd be fine with either one as long as the babies healthy." "I want a girl to Sophia but I'd be fine with either." I smiled really big and put my head on his chest.

"Mrs. Pines," I stood up as she directed us to the room. "Room 274." "Thank you." Harry said. We walked into the room and the doctor was already in there. "Alright Sophia can you please just lay up here and pull up your shirt." I nodded my head and did as asked.

He put a cold gel on my stomach and used the probe to see inside. "Alright so right now your listening to your baby's heartbeat," I looked over at Harry and he had tears in his eyes. I rubbed his had reassuringly and looked at me with the biggest smile.

"Your roughly 3 months along, we can't quite tell what your having just yet but we'll be able to tell you next time. Now over here you have an arm... here's the head." I smiled so big I was so happy nothing could be better.

Harry's POV

I didn't expect to cry but I did. It was amazing I know I'm young to be a dad but I couldn't be anymore happy. This baby is my miracle, this baby brought me and Sophia back together, because honestly without this baby I would probably still be sat at home crying and Sophia would probably be doing the same.

I already love this baby so much and I haven't even met he or she yet. Right at this moment my life is perfect I have Sophia and I've been blessed with a child I never thought I would have. But then it hit me what would are parents think? We haven't even told them yet.


Thanks for reading!! What did you guys think? Should Sophia have a boy or girl? Have you guys heard Nialls song? it's amazing it's called this town if you haven't heard of it.

Comment some questions you have for me and I'll answer them next chapter!! And don't forget to add my book to your library to get updates!!

Ily~ Savannah💘

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