Chapter 14

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Sophia's POV

I was beyond happy I wasn't really sure on what word to use. I was marrying my best friend and I had a beautiful baby girl on the way.

Today me and Harry decided we were gonna go shopping for baby stuff. I think he's more excited than me. He was downstairs making breakfast while I was up here getting ready.

I was five months along so trying to fit in my clothes was hard. I was wearing a pair of his sweats and one of his t-shirts.

"Harry we need to get me new clothes while we're out." "Alright." He shouted back.

I put my hair up in a messy bun and went downstairs to eat whatever he had made.

"Hurry up love I invited the boys over for a nice lunch so we could talk." "Alright alright don't rush me."

He chuckled and sat down finishing his food. He was already finished getting ready, he woke up before me.

When we were both finished he put the dishes in the sink grabbed the keys and we went to the car.

We pulled up to the little boutique that was filled with baby clothes. We walked over to the girl section and Harry started going crazy throwing everything into the basket.

"Harry the baby's gonna be born in February we don't need dresses." I told him while giggling. He took them out with a huff and started grabbing pants and shirts.

I grabbed some hats, bibs, and bottles. "Sophia we need to get her some headbands." "Alright Harry calm down your acting like a mom instead of a dad." I said with a chuckle. "But yes we do need some headbands."

He grabbed a whole bunch not even caring what they look like and threw them in the cart. Apparently we have no budget.

He grabbed some shoes and put those in the cart.
"Why are you laughing Soph." "Because Harry she's not gonna need shoes tell she walks." "Well we'll just be prepared."

After a couple more hours and getting me clothes we went home.

I'm really sorry I haven't updated I just went through a really bad breakup and didn't feel like doing anything but I'm a little bit better now and just decided I needed to update.

Anyways thanks for reading I'll see ya next chapter.

Ily~ savannah💘

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