Chapter 5

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Sophia's POV

I've tried calling, texting, and going to his house for a week. But he won't answer, my thoughts have been confirmed he doesn't care about me he never did or he wouldn't have left. This past week I've kept to myself locked in my room crying. I miss him i need him so much I just wish I wouldn't of let him do it.

Harry's POV

"Come on mate you Gotta get out of bed." Louis said to me. So far I've been staying at his house. The boys have been checking on me I hate it. I just need her but she doesn't need me in the same way I need her.

All I can do is cry because the pain is unbearable. "Why Louis what's the point?" "Because Harry you love her you need to tell her. Atleast get up and get out of the house." I nodded my head.

He's right I do need to get out of the house. I got up and got in the shower. I looked myself over in the mirror and gasped at the reflection staring back at me. I had bags under my eyes I just looked a mess.

I walked out my room and out the door, walking down the street to the park that me and Sophia used to play at when we were little. Out of all places why did I have to go here? All it's gonna do is bring back memories.

Sophia's POV

Michaela was over for what felt like the thousandth time. "How are you feeling Soph?" "Horrible..." I muttered. "I love him but he left me because he doesn't care." I started crying once again.

She just walked over to my bed and pulled me into a comforting hug. "Shhh it's alright Soph I promise everything will get better I'm here for you."


Thanks for reading!! What do you guys think? Everything about to get a whole lot better! See you next chapter...

Ily~ Savannah💘

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