Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

I was beyond excited I was gonna have a little girl. Exactly what I wanted. I was taking Sophia out to lunch either way I was taking her out.

Tonight's the night I'm gonna make it official. I looked over at Sophia in the car with the biggest smile. "Where are we going Harry?" "You'll see love."

We pulled up to Olive Garden her favorite. "Omg Harry you remembered!" "Of course how could I have forgotten." I said with a laugh.

Oh how she loved it here. We walked inside and the lady lead us to the table. I pulled out the chair before the waiter had a chance to. She mumbled a thank you with a smile and sat down.

"So why did it bring me here?" "We'll get to that for now let's just eat." She nodded her head and picked up her menu and looked at it with curious eyes.

The waiter came back over and took our orders. "Alright so we came here for numerous reasons. I'll get to the first one." She looked at me with excitement in her eyes.

"You know the extra room we have at our house." I loved saying our. "Yes." "Well that's gonna be the baby's nursery." "Are you serious?" "Yes I already ordered the crib and some of the furniture just some of the stuff had to wait because I wasn't sure what we were having."

She got up out of her seat and gave me a hug. "Thank you so much you have no idea how much this means to me." "No problem I'd do anything to make you happy." She smiled widely and sat down.

The waiter came back with our food and we began to eat. "Alright now the next thing, I've known you for like ever Sophia and your the one person that's always been there I can always count on you and I want you to be mine I want to wake up everyday and know that my family is complete, I'll have you and the baby and honestly that's all I need. I'll have my best friend I already have you but you know you mean a lot to me and I just can't see myself being happy with anyone else."

I got up and got down on one knee. "Let's skip all the dates Soph it's like we've already been on plenty it's like you've always been my girlfriend so let's skip that. Will you Sophia Pines do me the honour and marry me be mine forever please."

She looked down at me with tears streaming down her face and nodded her head. "Of course yes yes I will." I put the ring on her finger and grabbed her and kissed her.

This wasn't just any kiss it was filled with so much passion and love I couldn't get enough of it. I pulled away with a smile and looked down at her stomach.

"Do you hear that princess mommy said yes." I said and put my hand on her stomach.


Thanks for reading!! Sorry for not updating yesterday I had no time. I'll see you next chapter! I hope.

Ily~ Savannah💘

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