Chapter 11

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Harry's POV

My world stopped I had to make a decision and either way I was losing someone. "I can't believe your making me choose between my own child and mother." "Well Harry I'm sorry I just can't accept it."

"Well I'm obviously not choosing you. Sophia's having my child mom you should be happy for me you know this is something I never thought i could have."

"I know Harry. So your choice is final your picking Sophia and your child." "Yes." I said and walked out of the house slamming the door.

I drove to Sophia's house she's the one thing I need right now she can always cheer me up. I got to her house parking the car and opening the house to her door.

The only light came from up stairs so I figured she was up there. I walked into her room and she had bags packed with clothes and she was sitting on the bed crying.

Is she leaving me? Was the first thought that came to my head. "Sophia baby what wrong." "My parents Harry there kicking me out they want nothing to do with us."

My heart dropped I felt so bad for her. "Come here." I said holding out my arms. She instantly stood up and ran into my arms. "It's ok Sophia everything's gonna be ok you have me and that's all that matters." I said running my hands through her hair.

"How did it go with you?" "Well my mom didn't like the idea so she gave me a choice to pick between you and her." I felt her tense up. "But I'm staying Sophia I'm not leaving I promised that and I'm always gonna keep it. My mom just doesn't understand that your giving me everything I've ever wanted." She hugged me tighter.

"Thank you Harry thank you so much you have no idea how much this means to me." "No problem babe now let's get out of here you can stay at my house and I'll make us something to eat. We've both had a very long day." She nodded her head against my chest, and I grabbed her bags putting them in the backseat of my car.


Thanks for reading!! I hope you liked the chapter and he picked who you wanted him to pick. I'm updating my other books so make sure to check those out! And make sure to add the books to your library to get all the updates.

See ya next chapter!!

Ily~ Savannah💘

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