Chapter 16

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Harry's POV

When everyone left I started making dinner. I felt arms wrap around my waist and turned to see Sophia there with a smile.

"What's up darling." "Nothing much I was just thinking." "About?"

"Well what should we name our daughter?" I never really thought of that, I mean I knew our daughter needed a name but I never thought of one.

"I'll have to think on that one darling. Do you have any ideas?" "No I was hopping you did." I chuckled. "Well I don't, dinners almost ready why don't you go sit down and I'll bring you some."

She nodded her head and walked out of the kitchen. When dinner was done I brought her some and sat next to her to eat mine.

"Thank you Harry it's very good!" "No problem love I'm glad you like it." She smiled up at me before softly kissing me on the lips. "I'm so thankful for you, you have absolutely no idea any other guy would've left but you didn't and I can't thank you enough for that."

"Well baby like I said there's no way I could leave you, we're starting a family now your giving me something I never thought I could have, and i can't thank you enough for that."

She smiled again and kissed me. "I love you so much Haz." "And I love you even more princess."


I finished the fist chapter to The Bakery Boy a Larry fanfic so make sure you check it out!!!

Thanks for reading I'll see you next chapter.


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