Chapter 11

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On our way to wherever the hell she was taking me to, I came to know some about her. Like her name. It was... You what? Never mind! Her was not important. What was important was that she was kind and would visit the graveyard often. Honestly I hoped that she wasn't just teaching me how to get there so I could visit Chuuya in the future...

She came to a stop. I almost bumped into her. "He died two years ago" Looking over her shoulder I saw a gravestone. Don't ask me what was written on it, please. I can't recall the name of the living much less of the dead.

"Was he your boyfriend?"

"Fiancé" The smile on her face did not fade or waver for a single second. And she eyed the stone with love and kindness.

She knelt in front of it putting down the flowers next to her. From her pocket she retrieved a white candle which she lit up. "I try to come here everyday" She said putting the candle in place, just in front of the boy's photo. "Be it a good day or a bad day, I always come here to see him. I tell him everything that is going just as if he was still here with me"

I was well acquainted with the act of 'grieving the death' of someone but I couldn't help to wonder... "Aren't you simply neglecting your life? Living in the shadow of the dead?"

She paused, staring at the tiny dancing flame. Her smile was gone for the first time since we got here. "Tell me. Why is it that you want to die?" Her words took me by surprise. "Let me refrase that. Have you ever lost someone you hold dearly? Someone for whom you dedicated your entire self to?"

Looking away I mumbled. "Have been further from it..."

"The moment they are gone you feel lost. You don't know what to do because you don't have a reason for doing it anymore" She paused. She was trembling. "Life loses all it's meaning and as their scent fades away from your surroundings, fades away from you... You long for the moment when you'll finally be able to join them"

It was creepy how I somehow could relate to this woman... I did not want that... It was like accepting his death...

"That's why I bring to him red camellias" The warm smile was back to her. "This way I can remind him everyday of my love for him and I'll join him soon without worrying people around me because... Only a few people know the meaning of these flowers"

And here was I looking for a suicide partner. Well, she was taken anyway... And I had a princess in shinning armor to save...

"You know... Sometimes, the simple presence or even just the voice of someone dear to them can make the difference" She was smiling kindly at me and reaching out one of the flowers to me as well. "Don't give up just yet. You've given up everything already. You've even given up on him once too. Don't waste your second chance"

I took the flower did she know that?

With a deep bow I thanked her and left, making my way back as fast as I could. My chest filled with renewed hope fueled my weak body. The honks of angry drivers I ignored them. The complaints of people as I pushed them out of the way I left them behind with a quick and hurried apology.

In no time, I was back...

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