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I had a surprise waiting for me, Maven had whispered before exiting the room. I was alone now, I wish it would stay that way. My neck stung, Maven's handprint had burned onto my skin to match his initials on my collar bone. It stuck out prominently, like all my other bones. Maybe he wanted me to die of Starvation. I didn't miss the food, it just gave me more energy for torture.

I honestly was hoping for the surprise to be an early death. The sentinels came to gather me. Parading me down a hallway. I couldn't see anything, they've even taken the liberty of covering over our heads with an umbrella. What did they think I could possibly do, I didn't even know where I was, the castle was my best guess but I wasn't even sure of that. They didn't remove the umbrella until we were in the foyer of the palace.

Maven stood there waiting, the same dark expression playing in his eyes, he smirks at the sight of me. His eyes trailing to the burned handprint he left on my neck. It probably was intentional, jerk. The Sentinel's brought me forward finally spreading out so I could get a clear breath. 

"Wanna hear a riddle?" Maven asked reaching my leash to my collar

"Kill yourself" I'm surprised I wasn't punished for that little comment. 

"What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?" He asks struggling to clip the chain to my collar. He bends a little, his face is inches away.

I kept my mouth closed, not because the riddle made zero sense, but because I wanted to. Yeah, that was it.

"Aw, I'll give you a hint," He said his smile, flashing his teeth at me, I shook my head slightly I didn't want to play his games, right now. My head hurt, from everything Maven's lips had left my head pounding and painfully confused. 

"You're no fun, anymore" Maven teased "But for being so good I'll tell you the answer shorter! , shorter like your height difference since entering the castle." He said tugging on my collar leading me out there wasn't a crowd as he led me into a car seating me next to him. 

I wasn't riding like a dog. This was new and even more confusing, Maven held my collar all the way to our destination. Where there was actually a crowd there. they quieted as Maven led me out of the car. Back to being a dog.

A cage stood on a suspended raised platform,and no other than Maven's thrown stood before it, it's funny how I was still in my dirty white dress the same day as the stoning. I wonder how long ago that was. Didn't matter.

Maven stopped in front of the cage, smiling opening the standing to the side. His playful tone gone, replaced by a superior smile playing on his lips. I walk into the cage holding my head down, there was nothing proud about my future.

"Citizens of Norta, the lightning girl stands before you. As you have requested, as I have promised" He announced as he slammed the door on my cage. "As you know a recent attack from the Scarlet guard had left my home someone in shambles, well my kitchen to be precise. In a sad attempt to extinguish one of the many flames in our fine city. Luckily this one can and will be rebuilt by the blood of reds, as they have spilt the blood of slivers time and time again" Maven paused a flash of grief running over his face, as fast as it appeared it vanished "We allow mercy upon the reds as a whole as for now, but as for the lightning girl the same liberty does not belong to her."  Seemed like we were gonna be here for a while, so I got comfortable sitting on the hard metal floor.

 Nothing belongs to me anymore, I bet Cal's already moved on or something, for all the trouble I've caused him I wouldn't blame him if he was porking Cameron right now. Maven kept going on speaking rubbish. I just tried to tune him out, I fixed my  gaze on the horizon spread out behind the crowd of slivers. A lone Sentinel was walking down the hill, chewing on what looked to be a muffin, with a box in his hands. Maybe I could just low key stalk him until he was out of sight, his day seemed to going better than mine. What? It was better than listening to Maven's voice.

The man was in mid-chew, before he casually checked the time on his clock. His eyes widened as he glanced down at his clock, stuffing the muffin in his mouth and taking off, at a jog. The idiot probably had to monitor this event. I didn't even feel bad, One less person to gawk at me.  

The as the sentinel neared the oddest thing happened his eyed widen as if not expecting to see me there. Then came out in a full out sprint, he sorta reminds me of the way Cal runs, with his entire legs stretching them out before him, moving back and forth like a well-oiled machine. Within seconds he was at the edge of the crowd. His body froze his face tilted straight at me drops of water fell from the inside of his mask, almost as small as tears, just as constant as tears would stream down his face. Tears of Joy, I thought turning away bitterly back to Maven's smile. Then it hit me, Maven's smile was probably the only smile I'd ever see for the rest of my life, his and maybe Evangeline's. 

Maven stood not shaking my gaze. squatting to meet my height. Using his most favorite show of friendship between us, grabbing my jaw and yanking "Enjoy" He whispers, the same smell as last night? early today? I didn't exactly know when it happened but it coated his breath, alcohol.

He stood back some cord in his and, then flaring it up, and the Cage lit on fire. Of course, my human instinct told me to run but the fire was spreading everywhere. I began launching off into a fit of coughs. It was everywhere inside the cage on the bars.I tried backing up from  the wall only to trip on land on another flame. This was it hopefully. Time to confess my regrets, none. Well maybe besides standing ignorantly still while Shade took a deadly shot for me.  

I actually began morning the bucket list I never had. Winning an arm wrestling match versus a strongarm. Beating a speedy in a race. Beating Shade at tag.  Stabbing Evangeline with her own steel sword. Beating an eye at rock paper scissors shoot, or maybe chess. Yeah, chess would be more impressive. Now that I think about it roasting Marshmallows over Cal would be pretty cool too.Roasting anything over Cal would be awesomely cool. Just being around Cal was awesome.

I let out a faint laugh than the oddest thing ever happened. The fire conceded like a flash. it was off. I looked up towards Maven he had a frazzled look on his face unexpecting this also. Maven gripped the wire tighter in his hand, flaming up his hand up once again. The fire followed the trail then clipping off once it was about to enter my cage. Maven's brow furrowed as he tried again. He obviously wasn't satisfied with the amount of torture I've endured today. Maven's face flashed silver with frustration dropping the wire, but not throwing a fit he's gotta remain behaved for his 'citizens'.

Maven stood keeping his posture perfect he was only visibly angry to the ones closest to him. He was shaking. as he unlocked the cage calling for a new leash, considering the one  originally assigned had burned. In the meantime, he tugged me by my collar. Deciding he rather wrap his hands around my neck he lifts me. His hand is hot not enough to burn but to cut off my windpipe. "Scarlet Gaurd listen and hear me if you ever step one foot into my city ever again. I Promise you people will burn." Maven's voice booms angrily he fist tightens. Tears form in my eyes "As for the fallen prince run back home and-" At that moment fire erupts on the stage rudely cutting Maven off. Bursting from nowhere, precisely the side closest to Maven. Maven unaffected laughs, "Bring it on brother, If it's a war you want, I promise you ;you will not like the results. More explosions ring throughout the platform, charring my dress. Why was Maven destroying his own exhibition? Maven drops me with a thud. Yelling to some unknown figure "Scan the premises, no one leaves the city. Anyone that tried will be brought to the castle for questioning."

I can barely make out a figure, A sentinel, the one running down the hill earlier, still holding the box. But the box was smashed heavily as if he'd clutched it too hard. Probably in worry for his king. The sentinel nodded towards me and gave me the quickest salute in history.Before my lungs had had enough and passed out.

Which one would you guys prefer I upload sooner The secret side of Maven Calore or this story? Also, I know this is a bad time to upload since it's a school day since you'll gotta focus. But I'm at home with food poisoning so I might upload again today since I'm board, or at least start writting the next chapter. 

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