Twenty Three

725 11 16

Why was there a factory in the middle of the woods, that just happened to be like two miles from war grounds? 

"BITCH," Evangeline's in her usual mood, "he said nothing of a factory, on the border," She said marching toward the structure. It was an odd building the type were nightmares were made. It wasn't openly scary but more creepy or weird. Like old lady Josie's house down the street life went on but it wasn't normal life. "Something's very off, a work containing this much metal must've to come from daddy." She huffs "Why was I not told about this."

"All offense intended, but you -us-us slivers aren't the most truthful with each other," I catch myself realizing my mistake. 

"What do you know anyway? Of the entire silver court sentinels are the least important, your lucky nobles so much as talk to you, much less tell you the truth."

She and Maven would make a great couple, no doubt he had the same mindset as her and together they'd create possibly the worst people ever after all two wrong's don't make a right. "You'd be surprised we see allot more than you'd sliver's like." 

"How do I look?"  She genuinely sounds concerned


"I'm not going for queenly but at very least presentable at least?" I'm still not sure what she's asking. She boots, marred with dirt, her hair is slightly burned at tips with twigs and leaves twirled in them. Her dress was a mess, the one day her shining armor get up could have actually been useful, she chooses to dress like an actual princess. Her crown is gone if she ever had one. Her skinny jeans had ripped into jungle shorts. and her ruffled shirt was a mess, she looked like a jacked up Mareena. Hmph

"How is this relevant?" I wanted to tell her she looked awful like a red, she looked like a red. And it made me happy in the oddest way.

"Well if I'm going to ask my subjects for assistance I need to look presentable, too look powerful is to be powerful, take his majesty for example. Couldn't best a child in the arena, yet he prances around like he's literal fire."

"Understood?" To be completely honest anyone talking about Maven made me uncomfortable, and angry but mainly uncomfortable. He went from a nobody silver prince, to possibly Mare's best friend (considering she thought she'd never see me again), to her actual lover, and he just threw that all away. Maybe uncomfortable wasn't the word, jealous maybe? Very few people meant anything to Mare, she would just go through life seeing everyone as little sparks, but a spark could only shine for so long and she'd move on to the next, most of the time she wouldn't even give most sparks a glance. It was no surprise Mare found and fell in love with Cal's spark, he was big, and pretty. But Maven's the fact Mare gave him the time of day should've astonished him. MAVEN WAS NOTHING, yet Mare befriended him and even gave him her heart, and he just throws it away for the job of baby sitting some kingdom for the rest of his life? Talk about ungrateful

"Good, now into the factory," she says with a smile, I never actually answered her question but she seems fine with going into the random factory in the middle of the darn woods.

As always I'm a follower all ways have always been. Even was I was a child I'd chase after Mare, I told my self it was just the need to watch over after her like a big brother, than it became I needed to watch after her because I was meant to, I was in love with her and it's only a matter of time until she reveals that the feeling was mutual. But maybe it was because I didn't know what to do, where to go or who to be. My dad's gone, Mom ran off and left me with no one.

I was unclaimed and unwanted, everyone leaves me, Mare would never have gotten mixed up with these slivers if she hadn't been looking for a way out for me. Mare had played little sister, then big sister, and now mother she'd never see me as anything more just a child to be watched after, because if she wouldn't then who would?

So like always I followed, I followed Evangeline into factory maybe to our deaths, maybe not but hopefully.

Okay so lately I've been reading chocolatemilk30's kings cage fanfiction (My new obsession) and it really good and well written, and I've gone back and reread my fanfiction and it's not exactly up to par and I'm not the best at Grammer or spelling  and tbh there's allot of mistakes, so in an effort to make the rest of the fanfiction better I'm gonna make uploads less frequent I'm not sure how much less frequent but it's not gonna be every week I suppose. Sorry for this sudden charge near the holidays, but it's needed. Anyway MAREY belated Christmas and happy new year! 🎉

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