Twenty Six

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Evangeline will be my queen, but you will be my wife. Maven's words ring through my head like a bell, his wife. I surely looked the part, he had me in something other than white for once. The dress was ridiculously long but simple, base red with black accents and a silver collar, the bottom made piles on the floor making it impossible to walk in.  I had to be carried through the halls,  even then the Sentinel had trouble walking, and so did the two behind him carrying the rest of the skirt, this was ridiculous. 

I wasn't sure where we were or heading but, I assumed we were in the home of the royals right next door, the Cygnet family, I didn't know much about them besides the fact they were a powerful family of nymphs. Why the Silvers always choose elements that made such a big statement for their rulers evades me, why not pick an ability that has no super effective weaknesses, like a whisper, or storm, or even a stone skin, or something defensive, like a silencer, you didn't always have to be the one attacking. 

I also knew the queen married her cousin for some reason, power whores. I bet they were worse than the Calore's keeping the power in the family, but maybe that was a good thing, no one was looking out for you more than your own family......sometimes.

The sentinel's finally turned into an arched doorway, with five mini thrones facing each other in a circular shape. 

I groaned slightly knowing what's coming next, the ridiculously long dress made sense now and so did the Master links at each the foot of each throne, they weren't regular size throne's but still ridiculously big for a casual meeting. Turns out I was right, My dress was being chained to the floor, pinning me at the center of the circle of thrones. My skirt was really that long, I was surrounded by an ocean of red fabric, it was a bit snug but was still comfortable to sit in, but was on the verge of ripping when I stood.  

Maven filed in next with a crowd of sentinels in tow, in a silver suit.  He gives me a slight smile and a wink.  It takes me a moment realize that they're not all sentinels, there's a brunet in the mix and definitely not a man, and I didn't see any female sentinels during my stay at the castle, and certainly no sentinel wore dresses. She looked uncomfortable in it but still trudged on right behind his Majesty I felt a slight pang of jealousy not because of who she was walking next but the fact she was built like a man and tall, I was getting to a somewhat boyish muscle build but was foiled by my imprisonment. I was a tiny thing and always would be. 

Maven took a seat someplace behind me, so I was facing someone else, the chestnut haired lady claimed a seat of her own both with five sentinels the foot each of their thrones. Now that I was getting a better look at the lady her face was marred with faint wrinkles and absolute disgust for Maven. She tried to hide it with puckered lips but the hatred shone in her eyes, Intelligent eyes. 

Trumpets blared introducing a guest with a much bigger ego than Maven. Trumpet's really? That was like the most obnoxious instrument, besides maybe the banjo.  They needed no formal introduction, The Lakeland royal family.

I could feel their eyes on me, like weights. For cousins the Queen and King or at what looked to be them, they looked regal enough with their jet black hair and sea green eyes, but the similarity's ended there. The Queen was rather bulky while the King was lean. The Queen had a pointed nose with a set of full lips, a contrast to the king's straight nose and normal sized lips, the queen's jaw is smoothed with her chubbiness, unlike the King's I bet was in fear of his bone splitting his skin. Behind them trailed a young man at around Cal's age. 

He actually looks a bit like Cal and Maven oddly intelligent eyes that matched Maven's wit, but he had Cal's warm smile. Eye's green like his mother with black hair to match, He's a pretty boy all in all. 

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