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Tiberias Calore, 

It hadn't taken Maven long to make his way to visit me. He looked strangely angry, I wanted to be angry I wanted to be fuming, but at the same time I couldn't. The only person to be mad at was me.

"I would torture you but it seems your doing fine on your own," Maven observes walking around my cage. I don't even bother meeting his eyes as he continued "Care for some chess, big bro?" He whines at the sight of me turning away. "Come on just like old times,"

"I assure you there's nothing old-timey about this," I whisper back

"Your ignorance will cause a certain someone to suffer," Maven paused thinking to himself "More than she already has, because of your.... shortcomings"

"Where is she?" For all, I knew she could be dead, because of me.

"I don't see how that is your concern,bro." Maven sounds like I drunk four-year-old the way he pronounces bro. And why was he rolling his R's, it was extremely cringy.

"You tormented her for months and you're telling me her health is none of my concern." It wasn't fair, Maven deserved nothing. 

"Are you going to play chess or not?" Maven says sounding superior in every way

I reluctantly got up and shuffled to the edge of the cage where Maven had sent up a chess set. Maven was sick, he had replicas of members of the Scarlet Guard Farley, Kilorn,Cameron, even Gisa who was never an active member of the Scarlet Gaurd.

"What kind of sick game is this?" It was making me sick to my stomach 

Maven smirks like some kind of demonic cat "You don't recognize it, dear brother? Why It's the game we've playing this entire time." Maven read the dank face I was making at the Cal piece it was disturbingly accurate. "Careful with that the magnetrons grow tired of crafting your face."

Only Maven would see his Kingdom as a chess match, full of pawns where he is the only figure that matters.  Maven pulls a peace with a long red dress out of his pocket, he holds the top smiling placing the figure down next to his. 

The room is silent the second he reveals who it is "Mare-"  and chant breathlessly.

"Yes,yes I know who my queen is," Maven tutts with a smile.

"Why are you doing this? Just kill me already," This was torture, life was pain.

Maven's smile melts with a pout "What's the fun in that dear brother?" Maven truly sounds heartbroken 

I was tired of his fun and games and the way he was stroking the Mare chess piece bothered me "What do you want Maven?"

Maven smiles sweetly his eyes are doors to hell "I want you to suffer the way I did, but more. I want you to feel every flare of jealousy I have, I want you to see me be the most important person in the room, I want you to over looked because of something you had no control over. And most of all I want you to see someone you have in your heart care for someone more, but this time you'll see her slowly go Mad. brother and that is what I truly want."

Okay I Know the Updates late but by now you all would have been done with your trick or treating, I know I did! Honestly I can't believe Halloween is on a Monday this year, just shows how bad 2016 has been. But honestly I hoped you guys enjoyed these to horribly written double feature I wanted to do something special for y'all. Anyway good night. Also sorry about missing Maven Monday I decided to make this Fanfiction top prorioty atm, but I'll try to get one out next week.

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