Twenty Eight

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I couldn't feel anything, it was hard to pinpoint exactly what was wrong with me, everything was dulled. The next few hours were a blur of white dresses, all perfect size as if they were tailored to me, they must've worked the seamstresses like slaves. The Queen supervised it all, in the end, she decided on an endless ruffled with a bust I could barely breathe. I  couldn't breathe, I couldn't think my mind was just empty. "Leave us," She sounds Elara, but colder, the servants shuffle out of the room "Just smile and nod"

"I've always wanted a daughter, but Kincaid just wasn't capable of  it." You would think she'd be sad about that, heartbroken even, but she just sounds angry.  "But you've changed everything, you'll bring about a new race, ascending with my Zied at your side, the world will be ours. together you'll redefine strength, my girl." Her eyes sparkle and shine, again like I'm an expensive vise or something. 

The Queen takes my hand in her's surprisingly hard with calluses, "I've worked too hard for you, and you'll do the same for me won't you?" I wasn't exactly sure what was going on but the queen was passionate about something, on the verge of crying, hmph. 

"Excuse me your highness, but the wedding's about to begin and Louis refuses to let you into the ceremony if you're not dressed in his requested attire your highness." Her voice cracks more than Maven does.

"Ah yes, our required attires, thank you for reminding me, Isabel," she says nodding at the servant girl no older than ten "We wouldn't want Louis getting upset, now would we?" She loves her son I think? She gets nervous whenever she brings up Louis, no not nervous, Scared.


I was under an alter, I don't remember how I got there but a boy was standing there, he looked pleased, Chernobyl was there also, he smiled at me, he even looked proud. They both looked nice, but who were they? Friends, I didn't flinch as much as I wanted to, The thought wasn't organic but soothing Friends they were. Cheers to friends, Kisses to friends, Vows to friends. Chains to friends. 

Loius, no Zied he'd insisted I'd call him was not a gentle person at night, Chains to lovers, chains to beds.

'The healers will come, in the morning, The graffiti will heal, relax. He is your husband. Screaming is for the weak, He is your husband.' That little non-Organic voice whispered to comfort me, I couldn't help but feel something was wrong.


We would begin our honeymoon tour on the morrow. Zied would have me to himself for an entire week. I didn't want that. he was no a gentleman, but what was there to do.The next morning slowly trudged along, another world wind of dresses and crying queens, what was her deal, she was so emotional. An odd contrast to Elara, but every queen had their own story. What would mine be? Full of collars, and strange voices? What was happening to me?

We'd be traveling by carriage, as tradition for royal Lakelanders. Zied would be addressing the country before we boarded, on the future for the Lakelands, and I would be presented as the new queen of Lakelands.

I'M  ECSTATIC FOR KING'S CAGE AHHHHH, OH MY GOSH TORI IS BRILLANT, MAVEN IS BRILLIANT BUT I OFFICIALLY HATE HIM NOW, YES I HAVE BEEN A MARVEN SHIPPER SINCE BIRTH BUT TORI HAS JUST RELEASED 2 CHAPTERS OF KINGS CAGE (6&7) AND I JUST CAN'T SEE MAVEN WITH MARE ANYMORE,  HE'S A GARBAGE CAN, AND MARE HAS BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH BS WITH HIM. SO TEAM CAL TEAM CAL TEAM CAL ALL THE WAY. Oh yeah and Farley's pregnant. :) But if you haven't read the excerpts hope on epic reads or tori's Tumblr and read the damn thing and we can scream about how alike Maven and Satan are together in the comments.Also the final Pov of will will belong to non other then the Calore boys, which one I can't say but it's a dozey. 

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