Twenty Three

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"Enough, report back to his Majesty, he draws near." The Docter's voice is rushed and hushed like he's trying not to be heard. The second 'enough' escaped the Docter's lips I there was a faint banging probably a machine malfunctioning.

The blurs had finally calmed down, maybe it was a migraine. No, that pain couldn't have been anything natural.  Seconds later a loud banging erupted from the wall.

"Progress report," Ugh it was him.

"Nothing yet, the girl is proving to be quite a bit resistant," Resistant? Rubbish, I'd been nothing but submissive. I'd let him chain me to this table and do things, to me.

"Well we'll just have to fix that won't we?" Maven says poking one of his thin fingers on my nose. "I apologize for my tardiness, I had to see to it my brother's rather fatal wounds, were attended too," I couldn't help it but my eyes flung up, He looked enlightened " I couldn't have him dying when there still so much more to do, surely you'd understand Docter," He's talking to him but his eyes are me. "Why are there practors attached to her temples? They've proven fruitless to our research."  Maven tutts "I'm not interested in temporary," Maven scowls

"As am I, If my work is not revolutionary then I refuse to call it my work." He actually sounds sincere "Now if you allow me to, I'm about to change the world."

And change the world, he did. Collars, Collars, and more Collars. Tight collars, square Collars, Loose collars, lace collars. I was getting rope burn on my neck, they were all bulky. I could feel the faint electricity humming through each and every one, I would black out at times but it was only for a second or two.

"I have an execution in thirty minutes, makeup takes ten and fitting takes 15, my companion needs preparation time. 

"Well, Prince, If you could make the simple decision of neckwear,"

Maven recoils at that word, that vile word he thought he'd never be called again, Prince,  he's still terrible at hiding his emotions. When he's mad he's mad.  He'd make a terrible king. He is a terrible king he lets his emotions rule his kingdom not his mind.  "Dress her, then we'll be concerned with neckwear. Remind the maids all Calore colors." 

"Done," The doctor is cold, and slightly annoyed. "Close the door on the way out, Sir." He said winking. He didn't respect Maven's authority, which made me automatically not completely hate him. He was one his highness would have to watch out for, eventually, eliminate, unless Chernobyl did it first.

The maids finally settled on the puffiest dress they could find, Looking into the mirror I looked like a pampered dog. "His Majesty picked the attire," 

"No need to apologize for Maven's stupidity," I could barely walk in the mountains of ruffles inside the dress which I think was the point. The dress looked vaguely familiar, a monstrosity of red, black, and sliver. 

I almost fell over when the thought hit me, it's the same as Elara's the night of the sun shooting, except she could actually walk in it, "Why would he do this," 

"One day you'll be someone's mother," That voice sent shivers up my spine, those words sent shivers up my spine. Once upon a time I had wanted a family of my own, but why would anyone want to drag someone into this world, it was cruel to the child and to me.  All this sliver nonsense was killing me.

"His majesty has found this particular neck brace," He came out of nowhere, and so did his hands. For such a round man he moved particularly fast. He had the 'neck brace' clamped around my neck before I could blink. It wasn't exactly helping my rope burn. The collar felt weird it was cold in some places but I still felt the familiar hum of electricity pumping through. "His Majesty is melodramatic, this dress is silly. There are better things coming," 

I'm not gonna respond, the doctor was an odd person, like he knew something that everyone didn't, like Maven taken up a few levels. I'm silent as he leads me to the door. 

There Maven's wait in the worst display of medals I've ever seen. They just seemed crammed on there, he was like a king sized disco ball, and of course, he held a leash in his hand. "You're dismissed Chernobyl." He looked at me like a meal. 

Again I found myself in an arena full of screaming silver, execution indeed. It's weird how they label reds of the ruffians when they react like this to death. The slivers couldn't possibly be human by treating someone else like trash, you've convinced yourself that they don't cry like you, dream like you, or love like you. They've litterally exstracted emotions from themselves, they've robbed themselves of their own humanity.  

But, then again my philosophy was trash it didn't matter I was still sat on a pillow next to Maven's throne, like a cat. 

"People of Norta, you've cried for justice and redemption. You've served your king well, and I you, I've promised you blood tonight and I will deliver, for I am not a King of lies but a king of Justice." Everyone in this country was seriously under educated, first, they believe possible the biggest action in the century without evidence, Maven even told them I had tricks and I showed them I didn't and they still weren't weary of him what the heck, not to mention couldn't his mother just have ripped about my head piece by piece before I could've infuriated his family. But no one considered that they were puppies following a slightly larger puppy.  "Ladies and Gent's it the moment you've been waiting for, bring out the fallen prince."

I didn't get the luxury of being surprised, just then I felt a clean shot of pain infuriating my neck, I was bobbing back and forth, I wanted to throw up, I could hear myself gagging.  I look up to Maven to see he hasn't moved one bit, but he's smiling, first at me than at the arena. Cal, no Tiberias stands alone in the middle, in his red tinted armor, just like the morning after the sun shooting. 'Together we'll root out this rebellion once and for all Mare. He's his father's son Mare, a silver, blowing up his own ballroom. Then blaming it on your people. Turning rats into monsters. He isn't a good person, end him. He's stained with red blood, he encouraged war. Sent reds to dye, destroyed your life.  Migraines, Migraines, Migraines. These thoughts weren't mine, but they were mine. Once upon a sliver, I hated him and I still do. With a frustrated scream, it starting raining lightning.

Happy Exams week, grammar birthday was yesterday so this part was written in one day, I grammar's terrible and yes I know the last chapter was extremely confusing. I tried to make it more sense but then again Mare's just full out insane at this point, so I'll leave you guys to figure out what's happening. Happy king sized Maven Monday. (Get it because Maven's a king so he's technically king sized? No?)

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