Charlie and Sam save the world

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Charlie and Sam save the world.

By. Emma Rye


*narrator is Sam. She is a quiet girl doesn't have much too say and is extremely smart she has an opinion

on everything that is never stated out loud but she rants in her head. Music is so that the rants stop and the

constant head ache goes away. Sam half heartily wishes for a friend

*Charlie. He is the new kid in town. He doesn't want too be the loner forever and is determined too

speak his mind. Him and Sam cross paths and the thought in Charlies mind is I want at least one friend

Capt. 1

I stood in the common room looking down, I tried too find the words that I have misplaced despite the fact

that my voice will not work and if it where too start working it would crack as if I hadnt talked in a thousand

years. I backed up against the wall in the corner of the common area with my head still down. My I pod

playing an acoustic song I turned it up and watched the world go by. People laughing and talking people

having fun and people crying people getting together and breaking up people being people. And I don't know

why it is but I stand in the corner and just look at this monstrosity but part of me wants a friend and maybe

part of me would like too have a friend just one. I herd the bell and stood in the corner hoping that life would

pass me by and I can sit in this corner for the rest of school and the night and wake up the next morning as

the teachers walked in, the good teachers the one that come in early they care about their job I don't see

why they don't get paid much and the hours are horrible its less than minimum wage.

My mother is a teacher and my father is the manager at sporting good's store. My father makes more

than my mother and he never went too college where my mother has I remember when I was no younger

than three that my mother graduated she worked hard for four years just too make close too nothing.

Their was close too know one left in the common area, I got up and walked too my first class. My first

class, is like the rest. Easy. I sit their in the back of the room not bothering too absorb what the teacher is

trying too explain. I already know it all. I have heard it all every last bit of it. And if I didn't know it I would

simply look it up. School, school is useless too me. I don't need it. But it gives me a place too be other than at

home all day.

My home. My home isn't bad. I mean people have it a lot worse than I do. But I still can't help but feel

that I am missing something. I come at three too my sister doing her homework at the table eating a snack

with the TV flipped on. I join my sister but finish before she does. We do chore, sometimes like cleaning the

kitchen I hate cleaning the kitchen, it is probably one of the worst things I have too do. My dad gets home at five and changes in his room. Me and my sister tend too walk on egg shells around him especially when mom

isn't home. My dad isn't a mean man or anything he is very intimidating, he is constantly telling my sister that

we have everything he didn't get when he was our age. My dad comes from a broken family. Sometimes I

think our family is a broken family but under a different pretext. Sometimes when looking back on your family

it is best too just look at the good things. Its a human flaw too only see what we want too see to only here

what we want too here and In my case remember what we want too remember.

I glance up at the board, My teacher is handing out failing notices and skips me. I swear under her

breath I hear a humph! I know what my report from her class would look like a zero in participation and A's in

everything else. The sound of the bell whizzes through the air. As if it where my I walked out in the hall. I

turned the corner and I saw some girl frantically freaking out too her best friend. It has too do with a boy. I

can tell just by the way that she is talking her eyes are big and her smile is ten times too big and she is

jumping up and down with excitement. I pass her by, drama queens; they just don't understand that the guy

they where in love with one week will leave and they will be crushed. Why anyone would want too submit

themselves too that type of humiliation is beyond me.

I continue walking too the beat of the song, finding it hard too let the song take me in. Before I realize it

I am on my back. I ran into someone. They could have at least watched where they where going. I get up and

walk into the class flowed by the looks of a new student. It was a him. He had new student written all over him he looked nervous and scared. The teacher sat him next too me, on the count of my last lab partner

ditched me because I would hog the project for myself. I rely on only me when it comes too anything. The

mannish boy sat next too me and smiled. "hey" he said, I looked at him and tried too imitate the coolness an

emotion I have yet too tackle and I am sure it was obvious "hi" I whispered and too my surprise I spoke my

first word too someone at school in months to a stranger. Too avoid further confrontation I pulled my head

phones through my jacket arm and held it up too my ear. The sweet melodies relaxed me and I felt a pair of

eyes watching from the side of me. He was staring. This is normal people staring they think something is

wrong with me and there is nothing wrong with me. I would know. I continue trying too take the music in and

relax but his eyes an ever presence felt as if they where burning into my skull. I felt his body heat as he got

closer too me. He paused by my ear listening too what I was. He probably didn't know who I was listening

too. But his head stayed their and his fingers started too tap too the beat of the song ad he mouthed the

words. "I love this band." he stated plainly. I was wrong he did know what I was listening too, I looked down

ashamed for thinking so lowly of him. "in case you where wondering the name is Charlie" he said and from

the corner of his eye I could see a twisted smirk. I turned my head meeting his eyes "I am Sam" I said he

looked at me for a minute as I looked back. His eye drew me in as his fell into mine. I pulled away as the bell

rang. Garbing my things and leaving too my next class.

I listened too the music the people made in the hallways shuffling their feet. It is no wonder why I listen

too my iPod the halls are annoying. And overcrowded as people stop and go stop and go if they just kept on

walking their would be no issue. I arrived safely and in one piece too my third hour class. I at down. It was as

if my fast walking did me no good, Charlie the inevitable him was taking a seat next too me.

//////////////////okay. well thats a wrap////////// tell me what you think

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