Charlie and Sam save the world (3)

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Capt. 3

It's another suckish Monday, and too make matters worse its at a new high school. It wouldn't be as

bad if I had friends back home too rely on friends too give me those so called high school experience this is

what his is about right? A fresh start. The only reason I was half excited too move. For the first time since

kindergarten I will be able too meet someone who doesn't know me as the nerd who sits in the back of the

classroom and reads. I realized participation in life is key, if you participate you'll have friends and be happy,

what I was doing reading all day and not paying attention wasn't working for me friends wont come too you.

I put my feet on the hard wood floor and walked across the room. I stubbed my toe on card board box

that was left for me too unpack when I got home. I only had three boxes, I never cared for materialistic things

but now at this new gigantic house that came fully furnished my tastes have changed, a new attitude a new

place and new things. Anything can happen. Hows that for and optimistic pessimist. The two contradict each


I entered my bathroom and turned on the hot water allowing the steam to rise drenching the walls. I put

my feet in the shower and began too relax. It felt as time had passed me by when the shrill voice of my

mother entered the bathroom. "charlie dear you need too hurry the bus will be here soon.

I love my mother she and my sister are all I have. My dad walked out on us when I was five. My mother

has too be the dad and mom. I understand the over baring mother, but being a freshman I want privacy.

"mom taking a shower hear!" I said a little peeved she left mumbling, I decided too get out of the shower and

get dressed.

I followed my old patterns on the bus. I didn't talk too anyone and I found my self reading the name tags

of the little kids who ride this bus in the afternoon.

Inside high school it was set up as the same as my previous one. I walked too the front office to get my

schedule only too find me face too face with the principle who gladly gave the newest addition of the NHS

(national honor society) and a perfect GPA he gave me the grand tour of the building and rambled on and on

about another student Sam who was the only other student here with a perfect grade point average., In the

end I got my schedule and missed first hour Geometry. The chimes of the bell rang and the hall ways where

crowded. I watched as the people passed me by when I felt a blow to my chest. I had knocked over a girl.

Her brown hair was pulled into a pony tail and her face was soft her iPod was scattered on the floor. If she

was anyone people would be laughing or helping her up but know one was the just kept walking. I bent down

offering my hand and she just got up and walked in the same direction I was heading..

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