Charlie and Sam save the world (6)

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Chapter 6.

It was quick how Charlie became the center of my world. My new world. He would come over too my house after school everyday. And we would talk, he demanded that I talked and told him everything I was thinking. At first I couldn't talking was never something that I couldnt do. But I now there is a pull about me and charlie and I am more confortiable with him than I am in my own family.

It was an early monday morning and I heard the knock on my door ignoring it I curled up in a ball and sunck in my bed as far as it would allow me too go. I heard the door creek open and a fast pace of foot steps and then. I bounced in the air and then got scared. "wakey wakey" it was charlie. He was here early we had plans today that didn't involve school. We where going too ditch it was one of those highschool experiences that I needed. "It's too early" I whinned. Its a new tone of voice aside from my monotunous hum drum that it usually is. Charlie makes me feel things and when I feel these this I know that I am not a mindless robot and that I am a real human, to bad I am only this way when I am talking too him. I still cant convey how I feel and talk too other people. It makes me seem fake. Here is charlie trying too help me and here I am only doing what he wants too his face. I hope that he cant see right through too me but if he saw through before he will see through again and I just don't want too disapoint him. "keep whining while you get you butt in the shower." charlie said pulling on my arm. I got up because if I hadnt I would have fallen on the floor and that would have hurt.


I walked up too her room and opened her door, her sweet sent hit me like a boulder. She was asleep. As I predicted. I ran and tackled her to wake her up and scare the living shit out of her in the process. Getting her out of bed and into the shower is just as bad as saying no to a three year old begging for a toy in the toy story.

Sam has no idea what I am plaining all day. I am gunna get her all dolled up and take her too a party. I know she will hate it and me for making her go but we wont leave until she has talked too everyone at the party. It's not one of those lets get drunk parties that require BYOB(bring your own beer) It is a sophisticated old people "event" that my grandparents are hosting. It will be good for Sam.

I wish the world would see sam the way I see her. She is Beautiful inside and out. She id different and I mean that. I can't imagine life with out her right now. She helps me as much as I help her. We feed off of each other its a mutualistic relationship and I have come accustomed too it.

I have other friends. At school. In my first hour and P.E they are the only two classes I have without Sam. At first I thought I would be the loner in those classes but I found it easy too make friends and be social. I say what I think and I dont take it back, from afar I could look like a jerk but I know I am not.

I sat in her room and looked around. Her room had white walls with various drawings taped to the walls she was good at art. What isn't she good at. Their was tons and tons of books scattered across her room as if she did nothing but read her back pack was tossed aside and looked untouched from when she got home from school tomorrow. People like me and Sam dont stress about homework because, we dont need it. Me and sam could take the test too receive a GED and go too college now and the work would still be mediocre, but we like to slip through the fingers and get by. It works if no one notices you then you wont be called out or made an example of things. I don't spend hours upon hours studying It comes easy natural I retain information.

I heard the shower stop and I sat on her bed she came out in her pajamas. Her soft brown hair was drippiing wet and icy blue eyes where slugish water was dripping off of the tip of her tinkerbell face. It seemed like I was looking at her for the first time. As I had said before she was beautiful. But in a new fantaqstic way.

SO! should Charlie ans Sam get together????

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