Charlie and Sam save the world (8)

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Chapter 8

I went too Charlies party. I was dressed in a pink ruffle blouse and a black pencil skirt. Both pf which I

borrowed for my mother. I lacked the need for dress clothes. But now I feel a new wordraobe coming on. I

stood in the middle of the room atempting too listen too a conversation as I let my mind drift. I wondered

what would have happened if I hadn't met charlie, if I would have gone through the rest of my life unsocial

and not caring. I think I would have, there is almost no doubt in my mind that Charlie is my best friend and

my savior but as much as he could be my savior he could be my downfall. I felt as if my life and who I am is

sifting away I care less about reading and doing whatever I was doing before and I am caring about things

that I have not cared about like clothes and shopping I catch myself eyeing boys and I dont know if I should let

this happen or run away too the ends of the earth with a few thousand books and live their. For the rest of

my life. I just dont know for the first time in my life.

I peered through the crowds too find Charlie and hang out with him. I found him talking too another boy

about my age with the same eyes charlie has and the same blond hair. I walked over and felt myself getting

my self more nervous. "hey." I said too him trying too be cool about being at the party I felt eyes watching me

every where I went. " well hello" Charlie said actually being cool his voice was relaxed and mine was tense, I

felt sdo out of place here. "Sam this is my cousin Ben. HE is new in town. He will be going too our school as

of Monday."Charlie looked at me rather pleased with himself I knew what he was doing Ben seemed too be

remarkibly cooler than me and charlie. Which was not hard too beat. "hey. Ugh Sam." Ben stammered in his

words seeming very out of the ordinary for him, or anyone when talking too me. "hello Ben" I let my voice

sing and relax I was calm. In a party setting. That is out of the useual.

There was a weird moment of silence and Charlies mother brke through it all " Charlie dear their you

are, I need your help in the kitchen." she looked at me and Ben and then quickly added "alone" charlies

mother has changed. Science when I first met her. She used too have long hair and then she recently cut it

too a short bob and added highlights to go along with her new wordrobe. Charlies mother was becoming my

mother. My parents I love them but they are so worried with their buisness and there meetings and

conference calls that they are hardly ever their and when they are its infront of people important so they are

never my parents, I remember my parents when we lived in a small walk up down Maine street we stayed in

our pajamas all day because my mom had taken all of our clothes too the laundry mat and me and my dad

had movie marathons on what ever our tv movie was playing, life was simple life was good. I was the

happiest when we where broke.

I looked at Sam expecting him too leave and talk too someone of his social status. Instead he looked at

me for a moment then muttered "you wanna get out of here." my heart sang with joy that someone realized I

didn't want too be their. It took half a second and I answered a simple "yes" and we walked out of the party

and onto the patio down too the beach.

I pulled off my strapy heels as he slip off his fancy black shoes. He took off his sports coat and flung it

over his shoulders and glanced at me. His blue eyes where brilliant and reflected the water he nodded and I

started walking leaving my shoes and that wreched party behind. "So your charlies cousin." I stated more

than asked."yeah. He more like my brother but since things happened and I moved away it felt very disstant."

he was vague and left no details I had no word of thread too hang on to. "I see, so I really don't know what

too say. I like the scilence. Infact I love it. I feel at home with it." ass soon as a said this I covered my mouth

and started hating myself for blurting that out right away. Ben just smirked and spoke softy "me to. Me too"

we walked in scilence It wasn't conforting as charlies but it felt more like we were old friends and we knew

everything about each other. A feeling I have ever felt before.

We where getting farther away from the party and when we couldn't see the house we stopped and Ben

flopped down in the sand I followed. " you know your really pretty." Ben was blunt and up front I didn't know

what too say. "umm thanks" I stammered this was about as far as any attention I have gotten from any guy. I

know I am pretty but why should I have too dress up day in and day out just too make someone think I am

pretty. When I know I am pretty. " So I here your a loner." Ben pressed wanting too know more. "you could

say that but I am breaking out. Of my shell, soon. Thanks too charlie, he makes everything better" I stated

with little emotion in my voice and I knew that I could have sold it more. "I get it. You us got tired of being

alone." he looked at me I faced the ocean and listened too the waves. " well yes but I as too suborn too admit

that what I was doing was hurting me and when Charlie came too me and told me what he knew I sort of

caved and we have been inseparable. I just don't want too loose who I am. I think I am doing that." I let it out

confiding in him was easy I wonder if it was this easy with any other person. "get it. I just wasn't so stubborn

I changed myself. Freshman year I went in as a nerd and came out as the cool guy but that was not what I

had in plan I didn't want too be Mr. Popular and it really isn't that good.

:) their you have it ladies and gents

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