Charlie and Sam save the world (7)

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This chapter has been giving me writers block, but I finally had a break through and decided too write. :) lucky you!

I exited the bathroom in my pajamas. Charlie was just gawking at me, I probably looked like I had been dragged out from hell. My hair wet and hanging in my face my cold body hugging me tight. I think its taking him all he has too not laugh. "what did I leave soap in my hair." I asked. I dont know why the sudden care in what I looked like came in. "nothing.Sam its nothing, now lets get you all doled up. I am taking you out." he mumbled the last part in hopes I wouldn't hear but I did. "What do you mean by out." is he asking me out?on a date? I don't know if I like charlie like that the thought hasn't crossed my mind. Lots of things don't cross my mind. Lie boyfriends and sex. I don't think about them because they don't matter. Boy's are imature and egomaniacs. In the third grade I liked a boy named Tommy. He puled my hair and pushed me in the sand I being the tough girl I was. I jumped up and tackled him I made him eat dirt. That was the last of boys for me. I am not gay. I know that. Sometimes when I read a book that's written in first person I can imagine the protagonist as me and the romancer loving me and I feel strongly atracted too him. But then the book ends and I go back too not thinking about boys or sex . "well see my grandparents are rather important people high society blah blah! And they are having a get together and in all atempts too make you social I want too see you around other people. I want too share you Sam." I knew he was up too something ."But. I dont know anyone." I said instantly feeling nervous and the pull to slip under the covers and go back too sleep and possibly never wake up. Charlie got off of my bed but before I could lunge back into my bed and sleep the day away. He put his hand on my shoulder and gripped it firmly. "Sam you will be with me and my family. I doesn't matter what other people will think. It will be some what of a controlled inviorment if you will. It wont be one of those ghastly teenage parties where everyone gets drunk and stoned, this is a civilized part with highly intellectual conversation." charlie stated this all quickly as too save his breath. He knew my mind was already made and that I did not want too go I absoulutly did not want too go too his party and act nice and talk.

I know short with mistakes but I promises after another chapter their will be a very long one. and a revised one of this

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