Charlie and Sam save the world (5)

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Chapter 5.

I looked at him reading the catcher in the rye. I rolled my eyes and tried too read my book. He was a

distraction so I gave up and looked at him. "what could you possibly want." I asked bluntly. No wanting too

waist time with fluff. "I don't know your different, I guess I am not s sure." Charlie stated with a pondering

tone. "go figure it out somewhere else. I want too be alone, and everyone else respects that and leaves me

alone" I spoke with little venom in my voice he must have caught on. "I don't think you want that. I think you

are just dying for a friend. And ill be damned if your truly happy with who you are." his words where cold and

harsh. For the first time in my life the truth hurt. I would have taken the fluff any day as long as I didn't have

too listen to those words. It was true I was UN happy I was dying for a friend. He brought that out and I

noticed it. and now. Their was no going back. "if that was true, why would I want to confide in you." I stated

flatly."because I am just like you."with that said he got up and walked away. Maybe he was just like me. But

then again it could have been just sheer luck that he guessed that I needed a friend. I am alone day in and

day out. It is easy for someone too infer that I would want a friend. Or was it. It could look as if I didn't care

and I had friends at home or somewhere else. But that person would also be a fool.

I stood up and slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked out of the library. I glanced at charlie

on the way too my fourth hour. When I looked at him, and saw what he knew I felt exposed and completely

vulnerable I wanted too hide and run away.

Charlie was of course in my class and took a seat next too me. I took comfort in the easy silence he

creates for me.

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