Charlie and Sam save the world (2)

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I don't know why he keeps following me around. It is utterly illogical for him too be talking too me asking me

questions when I will not respond too him at all. I moved a row closer too the teacher and I can feel his eyes

staring at the back of my head. Why of all days did he have too choose today too come too this school and

talk too me. No one talks to me and I mean no one. They carry on with their daily lives pretending I don't exist

and I carry on mocking them inside me head because none of this stuff really matters. I let my self get carried

away in my thoughts, I felt like my mind was being the mother gabbing the entire time and not shutting up

and me being the teenage girl just walking off annoyed. But lets face I can walk away from my self as much

as I want too. I can distance myself from everyone else but I cant distance myself from me I am stuck too me

for the rest of my life. I faced down too my desk ignoring the lingering fact that he was probably sitting

behind me just looking at me. The chimes of the bell rang allowing me too escape my self for a while to lunch

or in my case the library.

Perhaps library is the happiest time of the day for me. Why? Because I can be alone with thousands of

books and read about characters and interact with them. Its easier being the main character putting on their

shoes and in my case running a marathon tell the book is done. Because I can always take off the shoes and

try a new pair on in life these things are more sticky you only have one life too live and f you let the people

affect you too much you'll be unhappy but if you where too be smart and cruise through life nonchalantly

you'll get a lot more things done. To me happiness is a front too what is really behind the giggles and smiles.

I enter the library and smile at the clerk checking out books. She knows I am in here everyday. She lets me

check out as many books as I please as longs as they are returned, and they always are. I walked over too

one of the isle's and looked at all the hard cover books with the pretty bindings. Until I come across a beat up

blue and red book I pull it out of its shelf and read the first page. I have already read it and it wasn't very

good. I put the book down and walk over too a section of books that everyone has been reading. Sara Dessen

apparently her books are amazing that's what the whispers of the hallway gossipers tell me even though I

don't talk back. I pick up This Lullaby and begin too read it almost immediately I am incited with the book and

sit straight down in the middle of the isle. And this is where Charlie sits across from me reading the book I

rejected for this one. And possibly ruining my lunch.

tell me what ya think :)

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