Charlie and Sam save the world. (9)

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Chapter nine.

I am sorry for not posting in a long time I have had issues with my mood and writers block and then this damn laptop decided too freak out on my but with out further ado Chapter nine, :)

I looked away from him and forgot about the romantic cheesy setting we where put in. He said being popular isn't all that good, it wasn't what he wanted it too be. Does he think I want too be popular because if so hes wrong, "oh." I mumbled under my breath. He looked back up the beach and slowly started too walk back too the house. I stayed behind for a few seconds and then walked slower than him, if he wanted too talk he would slow down or turn around. It was silent until the house was in sight, "sorry for being the negative Nelly that I was for ruining that nice little meeting we where having." he looked down to me not out of a sign dormancy but because I was so much shorter than he was. I could here the ocean beating against the sea side cliffs while the 5 piece quartet plays inside. The air was eerie and and had an omnumisant feel too it I felt not like me like I was watching too people gaze at each other. "care too dance." his words even and smooth carried along with the mood as he placed his hand on my waist it was as if I had jumped back into my body I felt happy and confused and nervous. I breathed out and smiled as I placed my hand on his shoulder and we swayed back and fourth too the beat of the music. At the end of the piece he bent me down and dipped me and as he pulled me back up I met his eyes and the thought of kissing him crossed my mind. We stood standing closer together I breathed in as I thought of kissing him flew across my mind. Time slowed at he stepped closer to me as if it was possible to move any closer I followed his lead. What if I hit his nose what if I miss completely where do I put my hands, do I close my eyes? My thoughts raced at 100 miles an hour as time sped up and my mind too kiss him needed too hurry up. I pulled my face up too his and for a brief second of joy and electric socks my lips touched his and then as it never happened he pulled away. Leaving me breathless and wanting more. Did I do something wrong? I looked up at his eyes as if I was trying too see what he was thinking. He was staring back at me and the ocean of his eyes and pulled me in, I was in pure bliss this felt better than kissing him If I could just stand here wrapped in the embrace of his arms and locked in in his eyes I would. If anyone where too see us standing their they would have thought we where dancing with out moving. But I was dancing. I was dancing too the thought that me and him could be together. That it was going to be me and him. He broke the silence and pulled me out of my riverie "I would have kissed you longer, but my southern hospitality seemed too have got in the way."I small smirk appeared on his face. "wait your from the south?" I asked ruining the moment. Way to go Sam. "yeah, born and raised in Tennessee but Since all my family lives here I flew over here a lot and never caught the accent of the deep south" It appeared too me that I knew very little about Ben. I didnt know what too say so I looked down at my feet which are killing me from my heals "but I do like you, I just dont want to rush anything." I looked at him and said and inaudible "oh" He doesnt want too rush what a gentleman for kissing me after only knowing me for three hours and then telling me he likes me and that HE DOESNT WANT TOO RUSH, WE danced too one last song and continued inside while everyone started to trickle out and head to their homes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2010 ⏰

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