Out of the Rabbit Hole

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A/N Before you start reading I would like to say that this fanfic has some gore (not always intended) and violent scenes so If you are here for a mild story then..... disappointment. It is a horror/ love fanfic for Zootopia.

Judy POV

"Morning mom!" I screamed with happiness as I was flying down the stairs. "You seem awfully excited today" My mother, Bonnie said with a smile. "Why shouldn't I? It's my first day at Zootopia!" I said and drank the whole carrot juice in seconds. I was already wearing my police uniform so I was absolutely ready to go, nothing could stop me from making my dreams come true.

"Oh Honey I forgot to tell you, a message came in your phone but I didn't check it" My mom said and threw me my phone. I unlocked it and went to the messages, I had one from... Chief Bongo! The chief of police!!! "Mom its from my new boss!" I said. "Well read it!" She replied and I started reading it with excitement but as I got down on the text my excitement disappeared and was slowly replace by confusion.

"What is it Honey?" My father asked as he entered the room and walked next to me. "Read what the message says" I told him and he started reading it out loud:

Judy Hops, I do not have the time to go in details but for your own sake stay as far from zootopia as you can. Request a different position or just stay where you are but no matter what you do... stay away from here. I can't say more but for everything that is good! STAY AWAY!  Zootopia is not safe anymore and neither will you if you come. I will make sure that you are being transferred away.

Chief Bongo

"Where did that come from?" I had no idea what he was talking about, I was more confused than afraid. If it wasn't safe then another cop would help. "That's it, you're staying here" My dad said and raised his paws up in the air, great now I had to convince him too. "Dad! If it is dangerous then they will need me to help!" I said but he wouldn't listen to me.

"Mom help me here! It is my job to help" I said again and stomped my foot on the ground to make a point. "There is no chance I let you go there Judy! Especially now!" My dad shouted and sat next to my mother.

"I've grown up and I have to go out of the rabbit hole for once!" I shouted back but not in anger but in hope of making it out of my house without hurting my parents. "I won't forgive myself if something happened to you!" My father said and my mother nodded, she signaled me with her eyes. She was pointing on the wall above the fireplace.

"If I take grandpa's shotgun would it be fine?" I asked and grabbed the old, doubled barrel shotgun that was hanging on the wall. "Uh.... I guess" My father said and I put the shotgun in my backpack with twenty slugs. I had no idea how I was gonna get those things in the city but I didn't care at the moment.

"Take care honey and please don't get in trouble! I don't want you to get hurt" Both my parents said and hugged me, my father was crying. "I will, don't worry about me" I said and picked up the bag with the shotgun to emphasize, that seemed to make my father happier. "Call us when you get there!" My mother shouted as I was leaving from the front door and headed for the garage where the old family truck was waiting for me.

"Lets go" I said to myself and turned on the engine. I drove towards the train station with my backpack on the co-diver's seat. I don't even know why I took it with me but I was sure that I wasn't going to use it.......... or... maybe I don't want to kill anyone but, what if my father was right? "Relax Judy! Everything is fine..." I said to myself and kept my eyes on the road.

                                                                             ---- ~~~ ----   (This means Time skip)

The train station was visible for over ten minutes before I got there but with every meter I drove closer to it, it became..... weirder. I didn't remember it having barricades on it or.... electric fences. They seemed quite new but the cameras on the corners were deactivated and the train was standing still in front of the station, what had happened here? I got off the truck and carried my backpack with me, was that what the Chief had told me about?

I found a tree and through it I jumped above the electric fence, landing inside the fenced perimeter. I pulled out a flashlight and entered the station, hoping to find some answers there. Nothing, empty without a soul around. Some chairs had been thrown upside down but besides that there was nothing worth noticing. "The train" I whispered to myself and headed for the train's doors.

They opened with the familiar sound and I entered, it was pitch black. I turned my flashlight to the floor, was that........ blood?! The whole floor was covered with it, dry blood. Scratches on the walls and chairs torn it two. I went straight for the conductor's seat. There I found an ever worse sight: the whole seat was covered in blood and on the floor lied dead a tiger, the conductor.

I couldn't hold myself together and I threw up outside the window.... what happened here? Who could have done something so horrible? After I finished vomiting I started the train and dragged the body outside the room, I couldn't see any more of this.

The train started and sped up with one destination: Zootopia. I was going to find answers there no matter what. "Will I like these answers though?" I asked myself as I was leaving bunny burrows.

A/N I know it was a bit out of nowhere but don't worry everything will be answered soon! Comment if you liked it and you want some more.

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