My Story Ends here

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Judy POV

We had loaded up everyone and the others had radioed me that everyone was in te train, waiting for my order to leave. "Weston get in! We're leaving!" I shouted and got in the first truck. Weston signaled me from the second one and we turned on the engines. "Alright everyone. We're going" I said to all the animals aboard but there was no cheering, no shouts of excitement. Nobody had told the what they would face after we had left the ZPD but something told me that they knew....... they knew that even if we could guarantee them an escape, there was no way we could promise a safe life afterwards. 

The convoy begun moving as one truck after the other started to leave the plaza, heading for the sixth gate of the 'sanctuary'. "Weston how long until the gate?" I asked through the radio. It took him a couple of seconds before replying, making me worry that something had happened. I knew I was over reacting but since I was te one in charge of the mission I couldn't help but worry about everything. "Twenty minutes if we take the safe route, fifteen if we take the shortcuts" He said an paused, the low sound of the engine working was enough to be called deafening in the silence of the night.

"Your call" He said and waited for my order. "We'll take the safe route.... let's give time to the others" I said slowly and put the radio on the dashboard. "Don't worry Judy, he'll be there" Weston said. Was it always so easy to see through me? I guess it was that obvious that the only thing in my head was Nick, whether he would survive to see me again or if he will be the same afterwards. "I hope" I replied and the radio went silent once again. Now the static was replaced by the low mumbling of the passengers. Whispers of worry, fear and terror slowly rose from the back of the truck.

I could hear them doubt their decision to come along, it wouldn't belong until someone asked to leave before something bad happened. It was logical to be afraid, some had children and others had a loved one with them, others were simply scared for their own lives. Kits and cubs started to lowly cry but there was no effort to be made to stop them, nobody blamed them for crying because in fact everyone wanted to cry, we all needed that after all. 

I heard footsteps as someone walked up to the drivers seat, I didn't bother looking at him. I had decided that I wouldn't get attached to any of them until we had left the ZPD and everyone was safe.... that was the only way not to get hurt, again. "Excuse me, can I have some water.... my wife is pregnant" He said worryingly. I struggle not to look at him and I nod. "In the glovebox" I said and opened it, giving him a bottle of water. "Thank you" He replied kindly and went back to his wife. I had no idea what species he was but it didn't matter after all.... not yet, not until we were safe.

"I suppose you have a plan" I heard someone ask aggressively, he was definitely a large predator. "Yes we do" I said, refraining from facing him. "And will it work?" He asked again. I sighed, the silence didn't help with their fears. "We will do our best" I simply said. The whispers grew louder with that answer and I heard that animal stand up. "I won't get that as an answer" He said, his footsteps became louder as he walked towards me. "Sir please get down, they are doing whatever the can" A familiar voice said. It was that man from before, the one that asked water.

"Shut up! We're risking our lives here!" The other one shouted. With a slow motion of my paws I turned the steering wheel and the truck headed left on the first turn, fifteen more minutes until we had reached the gate. "It was optional to come here. You knew the dangers now please sit down! You are scaring the kits" The one on my defense said and with a loud noise he forced the protester to sit down and go silent. "Excuse him, he is just afraid" He said before going back to his wife.

"We all are, don't worry" I said and sighed, thanking god that he was here because I didn't know what to do. I was just a bunny cop... making an exodus was not my thing and handling scared crowds was not my job. "Kill the lights" Weston said through the radio and I followed suit, going dark to avoid further detection from any potential ZPD patrol. We  knew that they had already sent men to patrol around the 'sanctuary' for us, it wasn't he most secret of escapes since Nick had charged into the ZPD headquarters. The only thing useful from that action was the fact that he would keep them busy while we were leaving.

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