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A/N Weston is baaaaaack. Sorry for all these different POVs but we gotta have some character backstory!

Weston POV

I opened the hatch above me and climbed to the next floor of the skyscraper. A month had passed from the time I left the crew, the others would have made it to the safezone by now.... or they'd be dead but I'm not gonna go there.

I had searched everywhere in Savannah central but that Hunter was nowhere to be found. Some weeks ago  I came across a makeshift campfire inside the sewers along with some signs of electrocuted fur. I hoped it wouldn't be Nick's. Sometimes I even hoped they wouldn't have made it to the safezone..... there have been weird noises coming from there, not of the good kind. I have seen animals similar to the Hunter running around the city with ZPD badges.

I opened my diary (not the girly one, chill out) and turned to the closest empty page.

Day 45

Another of these animals appeared today, description: short, about 4 feet tall with semi white fur and long white claws. Same behavior as the previous ones: intelligent with speaking capabilities. Acts both Savage and normal. I am not sure but he has seen me when I was trying to draw a sketch of him.

It's time I headed for the safezone, not the best option but the others are there and that leaves me no other choice but to follow them. All I hope is that these animals are not from there.

I closed the diary and moved ahead to open a door and exit the room I was in.. It was the biggest hotel of Savannah Central.... well it used to be that. Now it was nothing but another ruin crawling with Savages. I walked out into the corridor ahead of me and headed for the window on the other side of it. That seemed like the perfect place for a watchtower.

The long hallway was being grimly lit by the daylight coming from the windows and most of it was torn down. Doors laid on the floor, broken and there were holes on almost every wall. It was obvious what had happened here... and what would happen to me if I stayed for much longer. As I walked I stumbled on something hard and fell on the ground, when I took a look at what it was, lets say I wasn't surprised by it.... another dead body covered in dust. Somehow vines had grown around it, no idea how though since I was on the twentieth floor of a skyscraper.

Soon I found more corpses, some decapitated and others missing entire parts of their body. It took a lot of effort to ignore them but I did it and moved ahead to the windows, away from the corpses. I reached the end and took out my binoculars to scan the area ahead of me. "Fuck, not again" I mumbled when I saw two figures standing in the middle of the street down below.

It was that short fox I saw earlier and.... the Hunter! I started boiling with hate when I saw that shit strolling around. I didn't stand a chance with the other one there but that burning rage inside kept pushing me to rush there and smack that bitch till she dies! "Fuck!" I said and stomped my foot on the ground.

I wrapped the binoculars with ducktape on my gun and aimed at them, I would keep my eyes on these two for as long as I could. They didn't seem to be heading anywhere, just standing in the middle of the street for no obvious reason. Suddenly, the Hunter turns her head and looks at me, I had realized it was a female from the scent. She said something and then ran inside the building I was in. "FUCK ME! I shouted and headed straight for the stairs, if I was lucky we wouldn't meet.

I put all my strength in my feet as I ran down the staircase, bolting through the floors like there was no tomorrow because if she caught me then there wouldn't be. My heart was racing and my lungs started burning cuz the moment they were filled with air, I had exhaled. "So here you are..." She said a second before we met on the stairs, she was wearing that grey cloth and had her bow in the left paw. "Payback time bitch" I said and drew my cutlass from my belt. "Oh really?" She taunted me and with a lightning fast move she dashed on me.

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