It's (not) me....

318 22 12

Unknown POV

Location: Unknown

Time: Unknown

I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the dark ceiling. The lights were off and one of the lamps was hanging from the ceiling partially destroyed, the metal walls covered with rust and
a terrible scent came from them. I looked down at my body, white fur with black paws. I tried to move but there were restrains all over my body, both metal and leather straps around my paws with hard locks on my chest. I quickly broke free without any trouble and stood on my feet.

The ground had a crimson liquid on it, like a small pond of blood around the table I was lying on. "Well it took you long enough" A voice said, completely unknown to me. There was a door barely two meters away from me and yet I didn't go for it, something stopped me from doing so. There was a voice in my head, it told me not to go to that door. Don't open it! Remember who you are! It screamed with despair. This door was my only way out of this room so why shouldn't I open it?

I ignored the voices begging and slowly placed my hand on the double metal door, slowly opening it and letting the light come in. Has the sun always been like this? It's light was crimson red and the clouds had a darker texture, one I couldn't explain with words. What are you doing? Do you want them to die? He screamed again and my arm twitched, whatever that thing in my head was it was trying to get control over me. I tried to ignore it and took a step outside the room.

I now found myself on a street with tall buildings around me, there were cardboard and wooden boxes scattered everywhere around me. My nose caught the scent of something, it smelled delicious and it drew me closer. I couldn't resist, I needed to go find that thing and.... and.... I didn't know what but I would find it. I turned to the direction of the scent and started following it. I passed through alleys filled and empty streets, most of them had snow all around and ice had formed on the windows. Stop it you fucking..... no! You will not win! It shouted in my head and pain spread all over my body, for a moment I felt like slipping out of my body. "Ju-".

That was all that thing could say with my mouth before I regained control, the freak was trying to give away my position. SUCK IT! Now they know you're here. It said with pride and chuckled, now I had to hide. I could already hear pawsteps in the distance. "Over there!" One of my pursuers said and a light appeared from their direction, what was that thing they were holding. A deafening sound came from that black metal thing on that animal's paws. "Don't shoot him! They told us not to kill him!" the other one said, they were six of them.

Before they could do it again I charged to them, running past them without engaging. It would take too much time and I was worried whether I would manage to find where that smell was coming from. I couldn't resist its call. God fucking dammit you... are... not.... getting there!!! The voice said and started fighting me harder. My feet were frozen on the spot, why was it doing that? Why was it trying to stop me from seeing what was attracting me? I needed to find out and that thing kept screaming in my head to stop.

Suddenly a deafening sound was heard from all around me, this one was different than the previous one. Red lights lit up on the walls and animals started appearing from every alley, closing all the escape routes. A buffalo walked forward from the crowd of animals and looked at me, his look furious. "You have made a mess you moron... she doesn't want me to kill you but there is no choice right now" He said, he sounded disappointed with what he was saying. What the fuck had I done? Who was he talking about?

Stop it! You've had your fun! The voice said in rage. Fun? I wasn't having fun at all! I actually had no idea what the fuck was happening. I tried to speak but nothing would come out of my mouth, only a wordless growl escaped my muzzle for a split second before I shut it again. "Stay back!" The buffalo shouted to someone behind him, I couldn't see it due to the armed animals surrounding me. Even though he kept warning that person, they ignored him and came up to me. It was a rabbit, that was the source of that gorgeous scent?

Dare to do anything to her.... I'll kill you from the inside buddy.

"This can't be him" The rabbit said terrified. It.... she knew me, how? "That's him alright. Still insist on keeping him?" The buffalo asked, annoyance in his voice. Who were they talking about because I certainly don't know them. "Yes! Let me try..." she begged him. After a slight nod she walked slowly towards me. I froze, the animals around me got ready as she approached me.

"It's me honey..... can't you remember me?" The rabbit said and knelled in front of me. I didn't move, just stared at her eyes. Suddenly an urge to bite her appeared, I didn't know why but I wanted to.

The voice on my head sweared at me and started fighting me once again, its voice echoing through my head. "What's wrong?" The rabbit asked when I started moaning from pain. That thing in me was killing me! And then three words came out of my mouth..... "It's not me" I said. With that a tear escaped the ra....bunny's eyes.

"Oh you sly fox!".

A/N and you're like..... Where the f*ck did this chapter come from. Chill I'll explain later.

Btw sry 4 the small chapter, It was 6am when I wrote this.

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