Merry Christmas!

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Elissa's P.O.V


My eyes fluttered open. The sun shinned through the large windows. I forgot where I was, who I was. I slowly lifted my head, to be blinded by another ray of sun.

"Ugh!" I grumbled, thinking it was another Monday.

I heard a yawn and movement. Finally once my eyes adjusted, I looked over and saw all my friends. I looked straight ahead and saw a large Christmas tree.

Then suddenly all of yesterday came rushing back to my head. Then I finally remembered what day it was! It was Christmas.

I decided since it was only 7:45 I wouldn't wake anyone up, instead I crept upstairs to get ready. Here's how it went.

1. shower

2. Apply ginger bread man perfume

3. Curl hair, not too much, but waves

4. Get dressed, this was a red brallet, with a high waisted white creamy circle skirt. I also wore a white small cardigan.

5. Makeup, for this I decided to go with a light gold eyeshadow, mascara, a little eye liner, and a light red lipstick.

Once I looked in the mirror and saw my appearance, I liked what I saw. Who would have though that I, Elissa Green, would be spending Christmas with Nick Brown! I mean back when we were freshmens, I never thought I would far go near him, but here I am!

I crept back down stairs, but instead of seeing unconscious bodies, I saw people sitting around my fire place and talking.

As I took my last step, I ended up banging my big toe on the gate we have.

"OWWWW!" I howled. Everyone looked over and started laughing, as I fell on the floor grabbing my toe and embracing it.

It was turning black and blue and started swelling up. I know right, gross!

Nick came over and helped me up. All the guys were in sweatpants...and no shirt! But all of us girls were in out Christmas outfits.

"You girls kill Christmas!" Conner said as He through a scrap of something in the fire place. "And how do we do that?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well, who gets dressed in Christmas?" He asked, more like stated. I rolled my eyes and sat near everyone around the fireplace.

"You look really nice today." Nick said as He smiled and wrapped an arm around me.

I looked over and saw Liz had on a beautiful red long sleeves dress, that came to about mid-thigh and flowed out at the bottom, with black stockings. Aaron had on a dark red shirt with golden studs on the shoulder area, with black and white printed leggings, the design was Christmasy.

"Thanks." I finally responded to Nick.

"Okay, how about well give everyone their presents and one at a time open them." Liz declared. We all nodded in agreement.

"Ok first Aaron, Conner, Liam, me, Nick, and then Elissa." Liz added.

We all got in a circle and watched as Aaron opened her first present. It was the new iPhone 5C. She got a blue one, with a sparkly protective case I got her. We all chipped in on the phone. She also received a bracelet from Conner that had a heart with their two names.

Next was Conner, he needed up getting a bunch of gift cards, Colognes, and a shuffle for when He jogs.

Liam got pretty much the same thug as Conner except we got him a cheap laptop, since He broke his.

Liz got a locker necklace from Liam that had a photo of their first date.

Next was Nick. Nick got gift cards, a new xbox game from me, and an xbox controller.

Finally it was my turn. I decided to open a small box that had a heart on it with nicks name on it. Inside was a promise ring, and a pair of diamond earrings. I looked over and He led up his hand showing me his ring. A test flowed down my face. "By the way, those earrings are real diamonds." He boasted. I also got new clothes, room decor, and like everyone gift cards, also some makeup which Aaron and Liz also got.

"Thanks so much guys." I said hugging them all. Conner chuckled as I squeezed him tight, for getting me this really cute sweater. "Never knew you had good fashion sense." I said to him. "Then clearly you haven't seen my clothes!" He scoffed.

As we started to clean up my dad busted through the door, I completely forgot my mom gave birth to the twins yesterday.

"Hey kids." He said plopping Himself on the couch.

"Hey dad, hows mom?" I asked felling bad about yesterday. "Well one of the twins didn't make it, It was your little

Brother, but your sister made it, her name is Megan Tomisino Green." My dad announced as his eyes began to get watery.

Ugh now I feel even more bad. "I'm sorry dad....about yesterday." I told him as I joined him on the couch.

"No I'm sorry, that we were so busy during your childhood." He said. I paused when suddenly He broke the silence in the room.

"Well I have a Christmas present for you, more for Nick but I think you'll be happy." He started.

"Your mom told me how Nick was moving away if no one toke him in, I figured since we have all those extra rooms, He could live with us, we wouldn't. Be adopting him, just letting him stay until He can live on his own." My dad said.

I sat there in shock not knowing what to do. I looked over at Nick who had the same look I did.

" with us?" I asked.



I don't know if that's such a good idea though, but you never know. So does this mean their relationship will last?

Ahhhh! I had so much fun writing this chapter, and I had been planning it from the begging. Also I can't wait to write the next one!!!





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