Home Alone

141 10 11

Ellissa's P.O.V

I was at some party, looking for Nick. Suddenly I saw him....With her. The girl he was with that day at the bakery. They were kissing against a couch.

My eyes became watery as he looked up and saw me. He had sorrow in them, Like he wanted me to forgive him, Yeah right.

"I need to talk to you." Nick said grabbing my arm and pulling me across the room.

"WHAT!" I hollard at him.

"I know you just saw something you didn't want to, but i promise It was an accident." He Pleaded.

"Well you know what! I'm done with you, and me breaking up with you was not an accident!"


My eyes fluttered open as I looked around. I sighed with relief that it was just a dream.

It's been a week since christmas, so my room was bare of christmas stuff.

Suddenly I heard a light knock on my door. I wasn't dressed yet so I decided to get dressed before I answered it. "Hold on." I said as I threw on some clothes. I put on a pair of printed leggings that were a white and burgundy color with an over sized red sweater.

I opened the door to a messed up hair, shirtless, sweatpants Nick. I started to blush and smile. I mean I'm a 16 year old girl, who wouldn't.

"I heard you scream, and wanted to check on you." He croaked through his sleepy voice.

"I'm fine it was just a dream, Thanks for checking on me though." I said putting my face down once i realized I hadn't put on ANY makeup.

Nick tilted my head up and smiled. "You look really pretty without makeup." He complimented me.

I smiled.

"Hey, is my dad home?" I asked.

"No, he is with your mom, he told me to tell you hat he will be back at 10 tonight." He told me.

I nodded. "Hey, when your finished getting ready meet me down stairs to cook breakfast, we can do it together." Nick said.

I hugged him, before I shut my door. And once the door was shut,I started having a fan-girl moment, by air screaming, and jumping up and down like a dying squirrel having a Cesar.

I decided to just leave my face plain, but i did work on my hair. I brushed it out and but it into a high messy bun.

As I made my way down stairs I saw Nick stretching in my kitchen.

Okay, just stay calm and don't make a fool of yourself!

I entered the kitchen and his eyes averted from the wall to mine. "Hey beautiful." He said as he pulled me tight into a hug. I embraced him back, but with curiosity, why was he being so nice?

I shrugged it off and decided to pull apart. "So what are we gonna make?" I asked as I opened the refrigerator door.

"Omletes I guess." He said as he laid out some stuff on the counter.

"K, I'll work on chopping the tomatoes!" I beamed as I grabbed a sharp knife.

"K, but be careful." He said as he plled out a bowl and started cracking eggs in it.

"I'll be fine." I said as I started cutting the tomatoe. Suddnely I felt a sharp pain strike through my finger as I looked down I saw that I had cut myslef on the knife.

"OWWW!" I shouted as I dropped the knife.

"What?" Nick asked full of oncern. "Are you okay!" He added in the same concerned tone.

"I cut myself with the knife." I said as i rused over to the sink.

"Here put this around it, I'll go get some cream." Nick said as he wrapped a wet paper towel around the wound.

Once Nick returned with the cream he applyed it all over my cut and wrapped a large bandage around it.

"Thanks." I said emberessed that I got hurt cutting tomatoes.

Nick started to laugh, and he looked into my eyes.

H started to lean in and my heart started to race. Just as we were about to kiss we heard a knock on the door.

"UGH!" I said as I made my way over to the door.

I opened it to my parents, and my new baby sister.


A/N: Hey guys, so I fianlly figured out how to attach pictures so if you click on the information of this story and go to te picture icon you should be able to see her outfit!

Also its so much easier to write on a computer! I mean it usually takes me about 30 minutes to write a chapter (without writer block) but this time

It only took like 10!




~Sarah XOXO

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