Ice cream isnt cold enough to cover burns

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Elissa's P.O.V


I think that today it's supposes to be warm...for once. It's finally April! It's been raining for the past 10 days, and today is the first day of the biggest star of gasses to shine...sorry I've been in advanced science all year.

I put on my high school t-shirt which is blue and white, with a pair of jean shorts. I pulled my hair into a wavy ponytail and tied a white bow in it. I decided to look cute instead of well sexy I guess.

I walked out the door and smiled, this may sound weird but I smelled Nick. His scent filled my nose and I felt like I was hugging him.

I sniffed again and closed my eyes..he has to be close. I turned the corner right next to my bedroom door and nicks scent got stronger.

I opened my eyes and say a wide cocky grin. Blood rushed to my cheeks and I rolled my eyes. "Oh don't act so confident, by rolling your eyes and stuff, I know your probably gonna go cry about it down stairs." Nick rudely remarked.

I crossed my arms and looked at him, Not with my soft Innocent eyes but with my 'I'm gonna kill you if you say one more thing' eyes.

"Calm down I'm joking." He whispers in my ear. I smile and bite my lip. "How about we go out for ice cream tonight?" He asks. I smile and without thinking I shout, "OF COURSE!" and hug him. I know getting ice cream isn't all perfect date but to me it is.

"I also have some exciting news for you!" I smile and run downstairs. "Tell me! tell me! Tell me!" He joke begs. "You'll find out tonight." I smile and jump off the last step

He laughs a deep laugh....a sexy laugh.

I opened my fridge and saw nothing. N.O.T.H.I.N.G!

"Ugh." I groaned and closed it. "Aw why is my little E groaning, there better not be a boy down here!" He scolds. "Ew! and don't call me E." I snap.

"Just saying." He says holding his hands up in the air.

I rolled my eyes and put on my converse. "Why are you putting on your shoes?" Nick asks. "Well I'm a growing girl in there is no food In the fridge, I'm going to Africa!" I say sarcastically. "Oh cool we can ride elephants!" He claps his hands and pops on his grey vans. "Or eat them." I suggest. He licks his lips and rubs his tummy.

"I'll be at the store." I finally say and head for the door. "Wait! How about we get ice cream now instead." Nick says with no emotion in his eyes. "For breakfast? I don't think so." I tell him and head out the door.

"It's not really morning anymore, you slept pretty late." He tells me gesturing towards his watch. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw it was 12! I N.E.V.E.R sleep in! NEVER.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME?" I yelled hopping into the car. Ignoring me He joined me in the car.

"Wait let's walk there, it's only about 10 minutes away." Nick said and we began to walk.

What felt like 5 hours was only 10 minutes. "I'll take....a strawberry and banana milkshake." I tell the super pretty girl. She keeps like I don't know flirting with Nick. She talks all slow and stuff to him, and I know He likes it...I can tell.

"Why did you get something healthy?" Nick says as the girl hands him his double chocolate fudge sundae. "Well it's not technically healthy but I think it taste good." I tell him. "Or maybe it's because she's anorexic." The cashier girl mumbles loud enough for me to hear. I breath in to control my temperature.

"Okay, so about the thing I need to tell you." I start to tell Nick.

"AHHHHH! HELP!" A girl screams from inside the kitchen of brusters. Nick jumps up and goes inside with me following close behind.

"I burnt myself." The pretty girl named Anna cries.

"Oh come on! I thought you were dying! Which wouldn't be to bad. I have a friend who fell in a fire and she didn't scream like that!" I start to tell at her.

Nick glares at me and goes over to her. He leads her to the sink and wraps his arm around her. WRAPS HIS FREAKING ARM AROUND THIS SUPER MODLE. I see a small smile spear on her lips and jealously takes over.

I open the lid to my milkshake and next thing you know she is covered in pink liquid and crying again.

I smile as she cries like a baby. "Your horrible at making milkshakes by the way." I spit and start to walk out the small area.

"I'll meet you there in a second." Nick calls to me as I walk out. As much as I don't want to leave him in there with her, I know I can trust Nick. Right.

After about 10 minutes He comes out with his hair a mess. His shirt is a little wrinkled and I can't help but think of what could have happened.

Once Nick comes over to me I scream, "WHAT DID YOU DO!"

"Nothing, She was making and ice cream and the machine went crazy." He says. that does explain why He is out of breath and smells like vanilla.

But then again that girl smelt like vanilla. I push the bad thoughts to the back of my head.

"So what was it that you had to tell me?" He asks.

"Oh well.." I was cut off when that little Anna came running out with a pair of boxers.

"You forgot these." she says and winks. I look up at Nick and tears flood my eyes.

"Listen, wait!" Nick shouts but he's to late I already have started running.

"She started it." Nick starts.

"I don't wanna hear it you jerk!" I shout as I keep running.

"What was it you needed to tell me?" Nick asks.

I stop.

Oh nothing just that I got into JMU college!


A/N: Guys I'm so sorry, it's been like 3 weeks! I promise like pinky promise (lol) that I will update more often. Anyway this was a hard chapter to write because I couldn't think of how to make this stuff happen. But this happened.

This book is almost over, well about 10+ chapters left in planning on doing at least 30 something but it may take 40. And yes there will be at third book! I'm going to need 9 new characters and you guys can be them or I can just make them up!

Em (Female)

Drew (Male)

Miranda (Female)

Blake (Male)

Caitlyn (Female)

Amanda (Female)

Tori (Female)

Christian (Male)

Mouse (Female)



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