I..I...love you

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Elissa's P.O.V

"You're kidding right?" I asked as they told me we were in Australia.

"Nope." Said Nick popping the P.

I screamed and gave everyone a hug, even Conner and Liam.

Instead of hugging Nick I grabbed his shoulders and laid a kiss one him. I felt his lips tug up and He kissed back, except this kiss was different, it wasn't just a kiss, it was special like he was the one.

I smiled once we pulled apart, his eyes starred into mine, and I felt special. I mean let's recap here, I was an average girl who got a school player, the hottest guy ever.

Conner coughed into his hand, making me giggle and blush.

Okay lovebirds, How about the genders split up, and well meet at the beach in 30, k?" Aaron confirmed.

We all nodded and departured to our rooms in the resort.

We each got out own room, it sound expensive but who cares I'm not paying!

Me Liz and Aaron decided to change in my room.

Once I shut the door, Aaron and Liz screamed bouncing up and down.

"What?" I asked them confused.

"Oh come on, don't say what!" Aaron scolded.

"Did you see the way He smiled when you kissed him, and the way He looked at you!" Liz beamed.

I smiled and laughed realizing that He actually might Love me.

"He actually looks like finnick odiar, from catching fire." Aaron said looking up like she was imagining him.

"And that a good thing, finnick was the hottest guy I've ever seen!" Liz added.

She wasn't wrong. I had a major crush on finnick and had a full body cut out of him in my room.

"I think finnicks hotter." I giggled.

They both rolled their eyes in sync.

"So, don't we need to get dressed?" I asked looking at the clock noticing that 10 minutes has past.

"Yeah I packed all your bathing suits in the blue bag, because I didn't know which one you would want." Aaron explained.

I looked in the blue suit case and saw all of my bikinis. I decided to go with my hot pink one with neon colored stripes.

"Cute!" Liz said tying her purple one with a floral print.

"Thank." I said checking myself in the mirror.

We all wore high Buns and sunglasses.

"So what do you guys think?" Aaron said coming out with a white bikini with golden sparkles lines.

"OMG that's the cutest thing I've ever seen!" Liz beamed.

"That's so cute!" I added.

Me and Liz grabbed our bags and began walking out the door when we turned around and saw, Aaron lying on the ground with a knife shoved in her back.

Jk, jk, jk!

We saw something scarier, Aaron squished her "top area" together and smiled as she made a bigger line.

"Ew!" me and Liz screeched with laughter, because Aaron was blushing.

"Shut up, don't act like you've never done that." she said sticking her tongue out.

"Miley Cyrus much." I said in a cough.

Aaron rolled her eyes.

We all meet up with the boys on the beach.

First I spotted Nick, and He was gorgeous, He was shirtless and the water drops left on his body glistened in the sun as He played volley ball with the guys, and a couple other people I couldn't really see.

"Finnick much." Aaron coughed in her hand.

I smiled, knowing she was right, He was defiantly finnick!

As we came closer to them, I was able to make out the other faces. it was a couple of girls from our school, Rumor has it that they slept with everyone of the boys.

It kind of made me jealous seeing him laugh with those girls.

"Hey babe!" Nick said running towards me grasping my body tightly.

I removed my cover up and followed him to the volley ball net.

"Um who are these girls?" I asked with a fake smiled plastered on my face.

"Well...this is Abby, skylar, and Jenny.'' He told me nervously.

"Oh well hi." I shook their hands with hatred.

We began playing and I tried my best to smack Abby's face with the ball.

She was all "Nick can I just lick your abs and them we can go to your room!" well she didn't say that, but I saw it in her eyes as she would bite her lip when she looked at him.

Finally Our group of friends left Abby and hers to have alone time.

First we had a contest on who was stronger, Conner or Nick, since they were arguing about it.

I had to sit on nicks back while Aaron sat on conners and they had to do push ups. Nick won that contest.

Then they had to give us piggy back rides, and whoever made it the farthest wins. Conner won that one.

For the last competition They had to run through the water with us on their backs. it made me tired just seeing them struggle. They both fell when a ginormous wave came and splashed us all done.

"ELISSA ARE YOU K?" Nick holland as He grabbed me and pulled me out of the water.

I started laughing.

"K? K what? The letter after L? The letter before J? You know the K in JK means kidding. So your saying Kidding? Do you need some Special K for breakfast? K as in K/O, can I Knock you out and feed you to sharks? Sharks had K in it...." I joked at his K remark.

He laughed as well as everyone else.

"And I'm fine." laughing at his caringness.

Me and Aaron started to tan and talk while Conner and Nick swam.

We looked over and saw Liam with Liz. He was building something in the sand and she was giggling.

We walked over and saw what t said.

It was a bunch of sand castles that spelled "I miss you."

"Awww." Me and Aaron said in sync.

Liz blushed and hugged him.

"I've missed you too, and.." she stopped as He genteelly touched her cheek. their eyes meet and next thing you know, DNA was mixing.

We all let them be.

Suddenly a lifeguard turned on a cd Player and started playing a slow song.

Me and Aaron were talking when suddenly a deep voice talked.

"May I?" Nick asked holding out his hand for me to take. his voice still sent shivers done my body.

"Sure." I smiled as I sat up and went over to where others were dancing.

I put my arms around his neck, and He grabbed my waist.

It was pretty wired because we were the only ones in bathing suits, except for Aaron Conner, and Liz Liam.

"When your away I miss your touch, and I feel like my hands are burning from where they touched you." He smirked.

I smiled. "Why are you dating me." I asked bluntly.

"Well, I have many reasons, but the main one is because when I'm with you, I feel like your something special, not like the other girls I've been with, they don't feel real, but you do and you make me happy..and...i...love you." He smiled.

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